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  1. H

    Do I need to put my fan on a timer?

    I would just leave this topic alone. It's obvious that Faux feels corrected and doesn't like it. Learn and move on bro, it's all part of growing. You're wrong about the whole air and fan thing. You should have the air moving at all times and creating a slight breeze ON your canopy, PERIOD. The...
  2. H

    Do I need to put my fan on a timer?

    You are correct. However, regardless of humidity, you want to keep the air moving. Plants use all co2 around the leaf within a few minutes. When it's not replaced with new co2 enriched air, a dead air zone forms around the leaf and stifles the stomata and slows growth. If the air doesn't move...
  3. H

    first time growing

    See if you can veg them under some blue light, maybe some floros, then add the 250hps for flowering. I would also ditch the foil and just use some white paint or reflective paper.
  4. H

    Do I need to put my fan on a timer?

    If it's oscillating, you can blow it on the plants, as long as it's turning.
  5. H

    Do I need to put my fan on a timer?

    You could just have it on when your lights are on. The reason I don't do that though (besides that I want to keep the air moving), is because when your lights go off, your humidity goes up...
  6. H

    Suggestions on light penetration?

    Make the time, shouldn't take more than 20 minutes and you'll be glad you did it. If you just started flowering, it's not too late. Besides, if you already put time and money into purchasing a 400watter, might as well make the best of it. Good luck!
  7. H

    Do I need to put my fan on a timer?

    I would leave it on 24/7, leaves use up the co2 around them pretty fast. You want to keep the air moving.
  8. H

    Lighting Question

    It really is a bad idea to leave your plants alone for a week or two. If you raise the light, it might make them grow faster, they will want to reach for the light and get stretchy. I mean, you can't expect them to stay the same size for a week or two, you know?
  9. H

    Help. Just added 400w MH

    Just let mother nature take it's course man and keep us posted. :joint:
  10. H

    Help. Just added 400w MH

    I'll be honest, I always use nutes, I never skip them except when I'm ready to flush right before harvest. In your case though, it just seems like the plant is trying to get use to the light, it is wilting but then again its nice and green. Lower growth is always expected to yellow since it...
  11. H

    Help. Just added 400w MH

    I water my soil pot with a ph of 6.20 and let it run off the bottom. I'm sure you can try that...?
  12. H

    Why did my first grow fail

    When you're playing ball, you're normally running around right? So I'm assuming you get some wind on you right? Maybe even have some water right? Maybe? Where I'm from, the if the temp is 90 degrees around noon, it normally drops some by the time it's nightfall, but maybe it's just normal around...
  13. H

    Help. Just added 400w MH

    Just wait, if it was me, I would even clean it up a bit.
  14. H

    how big should a plant be b4 i start 2 water untill water drips threw the holes

    Roots don't like to go sideways but they will. There is a limit though with only 16oz.
  15. H

    Help. Just added 400w MH

    Now just water it with some nutrients and wait.
  16. H

    Brown Spots Taking Over

    Kind of looks like your lacking iron but I'm not positive... :roll:
  17. H

    Transplant question

    You can do it, be careful and give them an extra week.
  18. H

    how big should a plant be b4 i start 2 water untill water drips threw the holes

    If they start to come out the bottom, they will be "air pruned", so don't worry about it. If it starts to get too tall for your space, bend it down a bit. :mrgreen:
  19. H

    how big should a plant be b4 i start 2 water untill water drips threw the holes

    As soon as a plant is transplanted, the roots are in shock and they don't seek water, that's why in my opinion, I only water the center for the first water. For the second water, I water thoroughly.
  20. H

    ph meters

    Used mine for a year before I had to replace the probe, replacement was only $50. :mrgreen: