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  1. oddjob206

    How much Longer RIU peeps??

    youre on the right track. keep it up.:peace:
  2. oddjob206

    Do these look ready to harvest

    cha chingggg... thats the ticket. youre on the right track thats for sure:clap:
  3. oddjob206

    Is She Looking Okay?

    talk to someone else about the pee thing. or look it up in the FAQ. i just dont want to tell you the wrong thing since i have never done it. :confused: and i would never do it either. just an opinion. nutrients are essential to grow good cannabis. its up to you what you do.:peace:
  4. oddjob206

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    very true. id at least cut all the fan leaves off, maybe even every leaf with a stem. but its all completely up to you. it will not only speed the drying but make a lot less work for you later in the long run.
  5. oddjob206

    Is She Looking Okay?

    i belive urine has phosphorus maybe some potassium but i have never done this. i wouldn't suggest it for that matter. i know direct urine will kill/severely burn your plants.
  6. oddjob206

    How much Longer RIU peeps??

    no. i have used sugar before. it just depends. all strains are different. remember that. no single persons advice can be the right thing for anyone. adsorb it all and come up with the best decision for yourself:mrgreen:.
  7. oddjob206

    Is She Looking Okay?

    nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium three key nutrients in growing marijuana. thats why your leaves turned yellow and fell off. and why you have no branches. i dont believe those are burns more like a deficiency. molasses wont do nearly as much as those three key nutes will. on the positive side ive...
  8. oddjob206

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    you grew it right. good job.
  9. oddjob206

    How much Longer RIU peeps??

    yeah start flushing. idk about three times as much water. i dont keep track. i just flush during the last couple weeks. you will notice the difference when its flushing and finishing up. the plant will suck all the left over nutes in the leaves and roots.
  10. oddjob206

    Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

    may i ask what the strain is? looks beautiful by the way:weed:
  11. oddjob206

    How much Longer RIU peeps??

    looks great! id say another 2-3 weeks at the most.:bigjoint: are you planning on flushing soon?
  12. oddjob206

    gone....... ; ; i hate me.

    i dont even want to try to get this story all strait. ill just point some things out that probably led to this incident: for one, trusting a kid that bites off dildo's... ha man. never mind. second, the friend you threated that you wouldn't smoke him out anymore. why would he care anymore, he...
  13. oddjob206

    Need some help please

    if youre about 3 to 4 weeks out you will notice a great deal of weight being put onto your buds. just wait it out.
  14. oddjob206

    what goin on with RIU Forum ??

    715 users browsing right now. no problems
  15. oddjob206

    Outdoor photos

    well thank you. um im not exactly sure what the strain is. i got the seed from a friend.
  16. oddjob206

    Outdoor photos

    one of my ladys growing outside. i just had a chance to take some pictures. this is about a week ago. she's almost done:hump: i cant wait till she gets old enough:bigjoint:
  17. oddjob206

    guerilla tactics

    i dunno if brown dirt puts that many holes. it seems like only a few around the bottom of the bag would help hold in water better. im going to experiment myself.
  18. oddjob206

    Someone stole my plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    haha, wow that was great.
  19. oddjob206

    Ice & Super Haze grow journal.. New to RIU

    i flushed it days ago. it just doesn't like the outside i think. it does get kinda cold. ive also seen wood chips and have used before. they make no difference. i just put them on the top of the soil.
  20. oddjob206

    So much rain and low temps.!

    try building a green house for the rain. works great.