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  1. oddjob206


    should be fine.
  2. oddjob206

    Which way do you plant the seed???

    agree that you do not have to. naturally the seed will know witch way to root and sprout. but if the seed has a larger root. say a quarter inch or more and you're about to plant it. i couldn't imagine not putting it so the root faces down.
  3. oddjob206

    natural water retainers?

    grow near a small running creek and make an irrigation system. make sure the water is always flowing never still and id check the ph just to be safe.
  4. oddjob206

    is it all right

    the weather is different all across the world.
  5. oddjob206

    New Grower! I have questions!

    Read the GrowFAQ it will have everything you need.
  6. oddjob206

    To much N??

    yes, give it 1/4 of what it says if that even.
  7. oddjob206

    is it all right

    nooone knows where you live.
  8. oddjob206

    Bong .vs. Blunt

    yes i agree. it depends on who im smoking with. when im alone i love my bong with some keif. when im with my friends smoking blunts with the keif is a must. pretty much i love keif or hash.
  9. oddjob206


    those are nutrients. prob slow release. not good at all for the seedlings.
  10. oddjob206

    Grow Bags/Trash Bags Vs Hole in the Ground???

    Many reasons to put a plant in a pot or bag rather then directly in the ground. so the plant can be easily moved. ie. inside durring rainy or cold nights, when something fishy is going on. so the water and nutes can be evenly distributed. it mainly depends on your grow. some have to have them...
  11. oddjob206

    Which way do you plant the seed???

    i would most deff. point the white root down. in my first growing years i didnt know and just planted the seed. few days later not only the sprout came up but the root came up along with it poking out of the soil creating a U shape. i simply replanted and the plant did fine. but for further...
  12. oddjob206

    Bending the youngsters

    fans do help keep the plant strong at the base. i would recommend a fan on 24/7 during all phases of growing. i even 'exercise' the plants stems before flowing. making them stronger and more capable of holding the huge nugs.
  13. oddjob206


    that should be legit. your set
  14. oddjob206

    Bong .vs. Blunt

    blunt sprinkled with keif.
  15. oddjob206


    its just organic. there are no ferts to mess your plant. don't worry too much. what soil are you using?
  16. oddjob206


    i would avoid ever digging them up after you've planted them. That is just a better way to mess them up. You could break the root off then nothing will ever pop up. You could have something that will contaminate the small seeding. Its not worth the risk. Just let nature do its trick. As far as...
  17. oddjob206

    Cloning a clone ..........

    as long as the mother is healthy & disease free, a clone is a clone of a plant.
  18. oddjob206

    Ice & Super Haze grow journal.. New to RIU

    thanks much. i put my other 23 watt bulb cause the more the merrier. anyway i have some pics (cell phone) ill get better pics as the plants grow. input and questions regarding this thread are accepted.
  19. oddjob206

    Ice & Super Haze grow journal.. New to RIU

    I have decided a grow journal was a good idea to track whats happening this season in my garden. lets get things started; i have a few super haze and ice seeds actually one of each to be exact from dutch passion. i will also be getting Durban Poison clones, Jesus Christ clones, And hopefully...