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  1. PuffinChronic

    Seed Chronicles: A Germination Report/ Grow Log

    Cool post.. keep us informed.. good read. Puff.
  2. PuffinChronic

    Whats going on here?

    Those are the saddest looking seedling I have ever seen.. *shaking head* I don't understand the problem people have with seedlings and getting things started.. This should be the most simple easy point of any grow and yet there is alot of people having problems.. I just don't get it... Hopefully...
  3. PuffinChronic

    perk 30s and acid

    Well then get fuckin trippin brotha.. lol fill your boots, you won't die if that's what your trying to ask.. Ive done cid, E, oxys and crack all in a period of a couple hours and I didn't so I think you will be ok. Mind you I wouldn't recommend doing it nor would I ever again.. but Im still...
  4. PuffinChronic

    perk 30s and acid

    LOL.. why waste the acid.. save it for another day. Get Mary to come out with you and Lucy and you'll have a much better time.. IMO Puff.
  5. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    November 3rd shes hoppin' on a bus.. I wish she were gone already though. It's fuckin awkard.. Trying not to be pissed off and keep myself from choking her lol... :wall:
  6. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Obviously I know that I cannot make her stay. Even if I could I wouldn't want her to stay, if she's not happy here or is feeling like she needs space then that is what she has to do. I'm not crying over spilled milk either, I was just lookin' for a different perspective on the situation. But...
  7. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Thanks for all your advice people and inisight people! Puff.
  8. PuffinChronic

    Confused about cloning

    Think of it like this... Pretend your cannabis plant is a live human being.. Would you cut off and try to grow a piece of your hair? no because it's ridiculous.. or would you try to grow a new hand or arm...? Mind you I shouldn't be a complete bone head.. your question is valad and I get...
  9. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Thankyou every one for the insight, weather I wanted to hear it or not... Thats why I threw up this thread... I know I would get it laid out, no fuckin around no beatin around the bush and so on and so forth.. Even though I didn't want to hear it. I needed too and I wouldn't have taken the...
  10. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Roger.. You pretty much summed it up, why agree to get married if you were not 100% in? Space? what did you think would happen after marriage? And if you want space, fine nothing wrong with that, - lets not talk for a month.. you don't have to jump on a bus to get it... And all at the same time...
  11. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Fuck hey.. just reading that over I could offer myself some advice lol... Should've seen this coming you dumb ass..
  12. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Ok so here it is... and Im sure to be persacuted for what I'm about to say, but in my defence I was never in it to 'score' or take advantage in any way... When we met, years ago now, I was 23 and she told me she was 18... Fine and dandy, the age issue never came up, a year passed. In that time...
  13. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    LOL.. wow you nailed it.. square smack dab.. yes I am the toker.. And she was too when we first got together, a chronic even... But soon after we got together she quit... Ok there's a detail or two that I left out that no doubt is a factor in her / our life...
  14. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    I am not seeking aproval from the RIU Comunity, I am simply seeking advice and maybe a wake up call from the many members here that are a lifetime ahead of me when it comes to life experience and relationships. I am learning now and will be untill the day I die. Thankyou for your input, it is...
  15. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    No worries.. I'm not offended... I'm not as slow as the chronic would like me to be... These are all things that I knew and felt already.. Just in need of some affirmation. I found out 2 days ago and at first I was going to throw up this thread but decided against it. Tonight I was like fuck it...
  16. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    @ DST, Mcrandle and Lokie.. Thanks for laying it out there. No sugar coating.. thats what I needed to hear.. Time to man up, stop feeling sorry for myself and get back to me. Thanks to the three of you... I needed a good metaphorical slap in the junk lol
  17. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    I agree with mcrandle... I'm in the same boat, knowing no one.. seperated from fam.. I'm not running away... Were both here to better our position in life.
  18. PuffinChronic

    Seeds are sitting at local post office what todo .....

    give a hobo a smoke to go get em ;)
  19. PuffinChronic

    I looked all over WTF is this?

    Wow.. I don't think in all my years of reading threads about this or that have I come across an apology like this. You my friend are a true person of character.. Way to step up and take the initiative to turn things around.. There are so many people that use the anonymity of the net to act all...
  20. PuffinChronic

    The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

    Not too sure of her motives, all I can get is 'I just need space' . Mind you were both pretty young and shes never been away from her family before, Mom, Brothers all on the coast... I dunno I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.. Thanks for all your input on the sitch guys! Its...