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  1. PuffinChronic

    Hey! Asshat who 1 stars every thread...

    LOL there's definitely some idiots on here with too much time on their hands :wall:.
  2. PuffinChronic

    trying to figure out ph issues

    After nutes I PH my distilled water to 6.5 haven't had any issues thus far. Puff.
  3. PuffinChronic

    can you guys help me think of a business name !!

    Aqualoution puff.
  4. PuffinChronic

    11 day old 1st grow!

    So the shelf is 10x12 or the room is 10x12? Just slap a bunch of CFL's in there.. Are you gonna get in shit when your folks find out you're growing in their house?
  5. PuffinChronic

    Pot too small?

    I agree... if roots are coming out the bottom of its current home it's time to move. If I were you I would move it to it's final home. Nothing less than a 3 gallon... Puff.
  6. PuffinChronic

    Building a grow tent...

    Yes this is the rout I'm planning to take. Thanks bro. Puff.
  7. PuffinChronic

    11 day old 1st grow!

    If you don't know what nute burn is I suggest that you start reading.. ALOT. You're going to have nothing but problems and be on RIU every day with a new question. Read, read, read and when your eyeballs dry up and fall out of your head dust them off and read some more! Nute burn is when you...
  8. PuffinChronic

    Building a grow tent...

    Darn hey.. I wonder if I could some how rig up a couple of small carbon filters attached to PC fans mounted to the ceiling of the tent.. I'll have to MacGyver up something.. Thanks for your help. Puff.
  9. PuffinChronic

    Building a grow tent...

    Sorry I should have been more clear.. Not a Desktop Computer fan but a fan that would sit on a desk or table... it's face is almost 10" across... My question was angled more towards how well will air flow through a carbon filter without an inline fan to do the work... Puff.
  10. PuffinChronic

    Building a grow tent...

    Hey all so here's my question. I'm going to build a grow tent for 2 plants. The dimensions are 2'x3'x5'. I'm only using CFL's so heat is not a factor. I'm wondering If I just cut a couple of holes in the tent walls and cover them with carbon filters if there will be enough air flow between them...
  11. PuffinChronic

    Longest it's taken your cash to get there

    Roger, this would have been the more sensible route...
  12. PuffinChronic

    honestly how does this look for day 35 flower ?

    Outstanding my friend. + Rep for you, Congratulations. Puff.
  13. PuffinChronic

    First inside grow.... Week no. 6

    Right arm bro.. looking good. I'm on week 5 of my first grow. It's nice to compare my plants to yours to have an idea of where I'm at.. Puff.
  14. PuffinChronic

    weigh in

    dude this thread is over 3 years old.. Puff.
  15. PuffinChronic

    <<How To Grow Magic Mushrooms>>

    wrong.. I have had much more visually intense trips off wet mush... the reason that 4g dried = 39g wet is because their wet. their 90% water... psilocybin doesn't get stronger as it dries.
  16. PuffinChronic

    250w bulb on a 600w ballast it is possible?

    Just throwing it out there. If you do decide to try out the 250W bulb in the 600W ballast will you set up a cam-corder on tripod and post the vid? eagerly a-waiting updates, Puff. LOL j/k don't do it.. Curiosity killed the cat type shit.. but if in doubt video tape that shit... lololol GL...
  17. PuffinChronic

    first time lsd user questions ?

    IMO the environment and people around you are huge when it comes to having a good trip. I don't trip with anyone that I don't trust. Puff.
  18. PuffinChronic

    got bugs eating my plants

    Any one ever try using pyrethrin?
  19. PuffinChronic

    I broke the stem of a seedling what should I do?

    I once dropped a small pot with a 3 day old seedling, it and the dirt spilled out all over the floor. Mind you it didn't break but the whole seedling and tap root completely separated from the soil. I placed it back in the pot, covered the root up with dirt and 35 days later she's a monster...
  20. PuffinChronic

    I done fucked up again. And. What the fuck was that???????

    Well good for you for having a sense of humor about the whole thing. I'm reading this sippin' my morning coffee n' LOL (literally). thank you sir for helping to start my day off with a smile.. Puff