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  1. PuffinChronic


    Beneficial in what way?
  2. PuffinChronic

    weed in space

    I think lack of gravity would mess with the plant... How would the seedling know which way is up or down? I bet the roots wouldn't know weather to shit or go blind. lol
  3. PuffinChronic

    first grow

    Pics would help.. I start nutes after the 2nd node grows.. How often are you watering?
  4. PuffinChronic

    Welp, I fucked up.

    I wouldn't throw it away, if the butane's gone it's gone right..? That's what you want, obviously not by way of a dangerous fireball in your kitchen.. but you know.. Try it it might be worth salvaging.
  5. PuffinChronic

    New CFL Grower

    I think you will be happy with the results. I'm new to the trade also and started 2 bagseed under CFL's I'm on day 5 of flower and so far I couldn't be more happy with the results.. add a couple 40 W 2700K to your setup and you will be laughin'. Puff.
  6. PuffinChronic

    force flower greenhouse 1lb per plant yield

    Sounds killer man.. you should start up a journal and keep us posted. I'd like to see pics.. GL, Puff.
  7. PuffinChronic

    Should I chop because of lighting?

    How big is the grow space? do you have good reflection? I good rule of thumb is at least 100 W per plant. If I were in your shoes I would keep them both, find a way to rotate their sleeping patterns.. or wash moms car for a quick buck... It seems senseless to grow the poor girl to flower stage...
  8. PuffinChronic

    how long is the flowering period in....

    Flower until the trich's are at their desired state of development. It's not really something you can put a date on. Unless the supplier provides a flower timeline with the seeds.. Even then unless it's an auto it's hard to say.. They will finish when the finish lol.. Puff.
  9. PuffinChronic

    To whom it may concern, fuck the Feds!!

    Sorry to hear that you were robbed blind by the man. How do you know it wasn't just a random passer by? Either way, I hate to hear this kinda shit. I can only imagine what it would feel like to go through the motions just to find that all of your hard work was all for not... GL next time. Puff.
  10. PuffinChronic

    The blues thread

    Jeff Healey, BB King, Stevie Ray Vauhn and of course Robben Ford.. - all time fav. Puff.
  11. PuffinChronic

    Upgraded CFLs to HPS

    The traditional rule of thumb is place it so that its as close as possible without burning the plant. Put your hand out at the top of your plant, if the light is to hot for your hand it's to hot for the plant.
  12. PuffinChronic

    Upgraded CFLs to HPS

    When it comes to autos I believe you are best to give them 20 on 4 off. Because of their short life span you want them to spend as much time as possible soaking up light. 12 - 12 would be pointless. Puff.
  13. PuffinChronic

    Yeild per. Watt ?

    Oh yeah? That's not too bad hey.. I have 2 under roughly 250 Watts of CFL.. just wondering a ball park of what to expect. I know there are a ton of variables that play part in the final outcome but... .5 per Watt.. that's not to shabby...
  14. PuffinChronic

    Flowering box questions?

    I would imagine that anything between the plant and the CFL's would filter out some of the light. Even though transparent putting the already low intensity CFL's behind plexi glass seams silly to me... But you say you saw it done somewhere, so give her a shot. Personally I wouldn't go that...
  15. PuffinChronic

    Male or Female? GHS Chemdog

    It looks female-ish, I can't tell for sure but it looks like there's a calyx forming behind the petiole on the left. I could be wrong.. anyone else? Upon further inspection I believe it's the petiole itself that Im seeing... Too early to tell man..
  16. PuffinChronic

    Low Cab Temps

    I hate to say it but I have a feeling due to your limited resources that the temperature inside your cab will end up being the least of your concerns. Plan before you plant my friend. Puff.
  17. PuffinChronic

    Yeild per. Watt ?

    Hey all, I'm looking for some input from all you CFL Growers out there. What's your average yield per watt? Aside from all the obvious any tips or tricks that you've found to be useful? Thanks, Puff.
  18. PuffinChronic

    Low Cab Temps

    Run a hose of some kind from a heating duct to the tent? Might make your house smell like chronic when she flowers though..
  19. PuffinChronic

    Low Cab Temps

    heating pad?