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  1. Joe parker


    7 weeks in veg femenized super iced grapefruit. Just saw these forming where I topped it the first time. I'm guessing it's a hermie. I see hairs but then there's that little brown ball. Are male preflowers brown? I always thought they were green. Is there anything I can do like pick them off? Thanks
  2. Joe parker

    Amended soil

    Don't have the time it would need to cook. Need to transplant soon since im scrogging them and it needs to be in its final pot soon.
  3. Joe parker

    Amended soil

    One more question. If I make a mix to fill the top half of my 5 gallon pot that just consists of: Would I have to let the soil "cook" because of the ancient forest and earthworm castings?
  4. Joe parker

    Scrogging indica

    I have a super iced grapefruit at 4 weeks old from seed transplanted from a solo cup to a 2 gallon smart pot at the 2 week mark. I want to veg it for like 8 weeks and scrog it out. I plan to transplant it to a 5 gallon smart pot at the 6-6.5 week mark. I topped it once already at the 5th node at...
  5. Joe parker

    Brown spots

    I haven't fed the plant at all yet but I've been using distilled water so calcium deficiency makes sense since there's none in distilled water. I'll start feeding them with some calmag. Would you recommend using distilled water or aerated tap water?
  6. Joe parker

    Brown spots

    This is a white widow at 3 weeks old that I just transplanted from a solo cup to a 1 gallon. I watered it good when I transplanted but 4 days later still looks like this. It looks overwatered but I don't see how. I transplanted it from happy frog to ocean forest and its in a smart pot. It...
  7. Joe parker

    Amended soil

    I used a normal storage bin like this. I don't think there airtight but I haven't really opened it since making it. It isn't dry or saturated and has a real earthy soil smell to it.
  8. Joe parker

    Amended soil

    What would the conditions had to have been for the micro life to have stayed alive this whole time?
  9. Joe parker

    Amended soil

    I made my own amended soil 8 months ago(made 20 gallons of soil). It's been stored in a storage bin with the lid on it. My question is it still perfectly fine to use now? I wasn't sure if soil goes bad or anything. This was the mix per 2 gallons of soil- 6 cups ocean forest 6 cups light...
  10. Joe parker

    Not flowering

  11. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    I cut the top bud off and the top half of the bud is yellowish but the bottom half is green and healthy that the light wasn't hitting. Is it from the lights, heat, or overfertilizing? Im using led lights 16" above canopy, 80 degrees and 50% humidity. And I'm almost 100% sure it's not mold.
  12. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    I'm using fully organic nutrients so I thought salt buildup can't occur. Am I wrong about that?
  13. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    What would my best course of action be? The one still flowering will need another 2 weeks I'm guessing so just leave my other plants in the tent for another 2 weeks with it? I don't really have any other place to grow it separately because I use my grow tent to hang dry my plants.
  14. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    They are 10 weeks old now but 1 of the berry bombs just started really flowering while the other one looks done. Is it normal for 2 autoflower plants of the same strain to flower so drastically different?
  15. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    Unless your smoking the leaves how would it make the buds harsher? The flowers are completely separate from the leaves. I'll agree having leaves like that isn't ideal but they're 1-2 weeks away from being done so don't see how it would effect taste/harshness. I'm finding a hard time figuring out...
  16. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    9 weeks old
  17. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    The one plant did start flowering much more, this is the other berry bomb auto at 50 days old in a 2 gallon smart pot. Seems kind of small, don't know if I stunted it early on
  18. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    How long should I wait before turning lights to 12/12 if they don't start progressing?
  19. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    They've been in this preflower state for like 2 weeks with no change though while the other is much further ahead. Should I try to put the lights 12/12?
  20. Joe parker

    Not flowering

    The one already flowering And the one not flowering