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  1. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Anyone try dry fertilizers like fox farm happy frog all purpose or fruit and flower. They say you can mix it into the soil at the beginning and you can go 8+ weeks with only feeding your plants ph'd water and you can't burn the plants because they slowly uptake nutrients as they need it and...
  2. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    What do you mean? I want any criticism and advice you have to offer please.
  3. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    These are the dark devil autos, this is my first grow ever and all my plants look so sick but I learned a lot this first time around and there still producing some buds even though it probably won't be nearly as much but you live you learn. They seemed much more sensitive to everything compared...
  4. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Yea, from advanced LEDs
  5. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Just 5 ml of tiger bloom and 15 ml of big bloom per gallon every other watering. Regular water in between.
  6. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Sorry, grow big/big bloom/tiger bloom. Use a blue lab ph tester after nutes are mixed and ph it to 6.5
  7. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime
  8. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Fox farms at 1/4 strength, tap water left out for 48 hours
  9. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    You obviously didn't read all the posts. Many people have proven some ocean forest is low ph out of the bag. 5 weeks in my soil ph was 5.8-6.0 no matter how much I flushed it with 6.8 water. So I added dolomite lime because I read that will buffer ph of soil. 2 weeks after adding it my soil ph...
  10. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Care to elaborate?
  11. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    This week I tested all the runoff and they're all between 6-7 so I'm guessing the dolomite I added raised the soil ph to high and then buffered itself back down. I defiantly used to much though because for a week or two I couldn't fix ph and it stunted my autoflowers and killed off a lot of foliage.
  12. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    What would you recommend per gallon of soil?
  13. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    Is there any way to fix it and not have my plants die, they only have 3 weeks left of flowering or am I SOL?
  14. Joe parker

    Dolomite Lime

    I'm growing 8 autoflowers in 2 gallon smart pots with FFOF soil. About 4 weeks in I noticed yellowing of the leaves so I tested the soil ph and it was ~5.8 in all the plants. I always ph my water to 6.5 before adding it to the soil. I flushed and flushed the plants with 6.5-6.8 water and could...
  15. Joe parker

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    So the dark Devils still have been growing slow so I flushed all of them and the runoff has been 5.8-6.0 the whole grow. I flushed them with 7.0 water and no matter how much I used I could only get ph up to 6.2. I think I'm going to add some powdered dolomite to help stabilize ph for the rest of...
  16. Joe parker

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    I just gave them all 1/4 strength of fox farms grow big for their first nute feeding so hopefully it will come around.
  17. Joe parker

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    There's nothing on the underside of leaves and nothing on any of the others.
  18. Joe parker

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    What does this look like? It's only showed on 1 of 8 plants. Same soil and water as others. It's only on this one lower leaf.
  19. Joe parker

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    I would get a HPS light but the tent I have is only 4 feet tall. Do you think if I scrogged plants and kept them low I could fit an HPS light?
  20. Joe parker

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    It's a 2x4 tent with two 100 watt leds and one 250 watt both from advanced led. There's also one 25 watt T5 light in each corner vertically. An exhaust fan with carbon filter and a fan inside the tent. Humidity is only 30% however which I know is low. I just heard great things about these leds...