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    When to change to metal halide

    Hey guys how's it going? This is my first indoor grow. Right now I am using a 130 watt cfl with reflector my plants are about 2 weeks old just wondering when I should change to metal halide? I have my plants in canna terra professional temps are always at 24-25c just got my self a ph metre and...
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    yeah i defanitly should let them dry alllll the way out il test my run off in 5 days
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    I started doing that then stopped for some reason it probably is a good idea to do that though
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Il defanitly look in to it and yeah cannabis products are hard to ger
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    This is the soil
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    I live in australia to so those names of soil arent familiar lol the only one i have seen here that you guys talk bout is miracle grow but thats terrible. And will never use it
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Umm like something i got from the garden store . I had so much trouble with coco outdoors i will never use coco again all tho dwc sounds good just need to a learn a bit more about it
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    will do
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Just organic potting mix no added ferts and 30% perlite :)
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    No worries thanks a heap :) the squash thats in there with them are going crazy and im doing the same thing with them. I just dont get it weed doesnt thrive like people say it does
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    I have canna bio vega for nutes to which i havent given any. And canna bio flores for flowering. Organic nutes for soil
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Hey :) i water every 3-4 days as do the lift the pot method and the finger test lol. I have given one dose of root starter which is some organic shit from bunnings lol.
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Another photo of both
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Hey guys how are we all?? I need a littlw help my autos are really nice colour. No yellowing what so ever i dont think im under or overwatering but on one of them the leaves are quite droopy. Im growing in organic soil no added ferts. 30% perlite. I ph my water to 6.5. I have a 130 watt cfl grow...
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    First indoor grow need help :)

    Hey guys how are we all?? I need a littlw help my autos are really nice colour. No yellowing what so ever i dont think im under or overwatering but on one of them the leaves are quite droopy. Im growing in organic soil no added ferts. 30% perlite. I ph my water to 6.5. I have a 130 watt cfl grow...
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    New indoor grower, NEED ADVICE :D

    Thanks guys i may just vege under cfls for about a week or 2 then go to hps. I want to give the girls a decent grow lol indoor growing is so frustrating. I will get the hang of it. Im going to buy a DWC system as well make it easier for me. Soil seems to be a pain in the ass as like everything...
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    New indoor grower, NEED ADVICE :D

    please anyone :( i want to get them under the 130watt lol
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    New indoor grower, NEED ADVICE :D

    HEY guys how are you all?? well im about to start my first indoor grow i know how to grow outdoors. and im in a pickle lol. just need a couple of answers :D i have recently just bought a 130 watt 6400K CFL with shade. i also have a 400 watt HPS i plan to vege with the cfl then flower with the...