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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Awesome :D where they the ines you didnt up the nutes to? Mine are going meh lol. I had a topping failure on my second plant. Only one head is growing back on the main stem lol gr waste of time that was
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Thanks yeah i will transplant either tonite or tomorrow when they are a little dryer. Really that sucks lol
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Drying* they are also still under 130 watt cfl
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Hey grapefruitmarmalade just giving you an update on my sprouts they are seying out every day and a half the roots are coming out and air pruning them selves should i transplant now?
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Ok no worries i was just doin the ph what it said on the back of the canna terra professional bag says feed at 6.0 but if it needs to be 5.8 i can do that also. My oh comes out at 5.8 though
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    1 week old sprouts :D
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Heres an update on these 2 the one i topped is finaly starting to shoot off. The other one i fimmed last night
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Hey i fed again today with half strength as she was drying out next water i shall do just plain ph'd water to 6.0-6.1. Then feed. Feed water. Feed feed water does this sound about right?
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Ok stay around though if i need more help lol
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    damn and im over 3 weeks pretty much haha. Ah well they should come back good again :D
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Im so annoyed about the plant that i topped it looks horrible now. That one was way bigger then the other plant now the other one has like doubled
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    haha that sucks man yeah i got seeds from marijuana nl
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Yeah sorry i forgot to say im using bio vega canna not canna vega. Same stuff just organic lol i had seedlings under the mh and the tips fried so pulled them out put them under the 130 watt cfl
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Ok will do :D umm i kinda lost count of my seedlings hahahahaha. It could either be thai stick. Ak47 or old skool
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Yeah i didnt even know there was a feed chart haha. I know now. I was ment to start with rooting stuff at about 3-5 days after seed sprouts then on second week 1/4 strength then half then full yep??
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    I put heaps of perlite in i forgot to put it at the bottom silly me. But dries in about 3 -4 days so go half strength next water?
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Ok i will do when shoukd i feed them again? On bottle says 2-3 times a week depending on plant size what do you suggest?
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Yeah ive gone from soil grows to this. Its just expirement. When should i feed half strength nutes?
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    I gave a quarter strength nutes yesterday its first feed . Quarter strength canna vega organic. Quarter strength cal-mag and some rooting development stuff. I dont really know when to feed next. But when i do il move up to half strength or 3/4 strength
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Ahh now i get ya lol here you go i had to take a pic when it was lights off one plant going nuts the other one i topped yeah its growing but looks like shit lol