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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    You can see the yellow on this leaf. Light bleaching yeah?
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    There is some yellowing on the leaves from the tips going in and brown tips which curled up. which is what im pretty sure is heat stress as it happened the day agter i put the light on them. The top growth looks good. And i just feed them there first 1/4 strength nutes yesterday so cant be a...
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Haha i didnt edit them i just took a couple pics with iphone and uploaded them
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Sorry guys didnt mean to have the attitude woke up bad.
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    S sorry mate was a little drunk last night how does a soil less grow sound to you? Is that fucking better. I asked for some feedback and help not pick on what i put in my title
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    1 photo im having trouble uploading them
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    First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)

    Hey guys hows it going? Just need to know how my plants are doing they are around 2.5 -3weeks old. Medium- canna terra professional PH- i put it in at 6.0 it comes out 5.8 Light- started with 130 watt cfl now in 400 watt metal halide with cooltube and exhausts. Its curently about 35 cm away...
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    When to change to metal halide

    My iphone wont let me upload photos for some random reason
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    When to change to metal halide

    I also ph at 6.0 as im using canna terra professional the run off again was 5.8 am i doing everything right? The metal halide i swear burnt everything at bottom of plants but got used to it now they starting to look great
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    When to change to metal halide

    Hey guys how do you think my plants are going? I gave nutes today at quater stength Canna vega organic Cal-mag Plant starter (root development medicine lol) one plants growing great other is ok but i topped/fimmed it about 3-4 days ago its growing new shoots now
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    When to change to metal halide

    I topped the good plant as that's what I did on my last bushie at the same height and went killer probably shouldn't have but eh
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    When to change to metal halide

    Haha lol I'm pretty new to all this! I moved it about 15 cm away
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    When to change to metal halide

    Haha I didn't mean about the light it's self I ment the plants maybe got a bit to much light or heat
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    When to change to metal halide

    Yeah weird as hey. I'm just let these pots dry out a bit I have always been scared to use HID lol this the reason being I'm pretty sure they just got to much heat or maybe even to much spectrum rd
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    When to change to metal halide

    Plants are droopy today have no idea why. It's since I changed to metal halide should of just stayed with cfl
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    When to change to metal halide

    Just added metal halide it's about a foot 30cm over plants my sprouts are in there to will they be ok?
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    When to change to metal halide

    Ok how far do I put metal halide you think?
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    When to change to metal halide

    I have my self a cool tube and exhausts to go with it. Should I put it say 30cm away from tops?