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  1. C

    problems with curing

    i'm STILL having problems with curing. this is my first time doing this ever and i'm just about to give up after this season. i have one more plant ready to be chopped and i'm giving up after that one. I don't know how this curing this is suppose to go but i don't think i'm doing it right. I...
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    Burping/Curing for quality

    good question. bump
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    I'm lost with this curing thing

    update. just read a reply to my other post, i decided to remove the orange peel.
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    Better to overdry than underdry??

    ohhh.. thanks that answers a ton of questions, darknight.
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    I'm lost with this curing thing

    so i put some dried bud in the jars, slipped an orange peel in there as well.. I woke up this morning and the buds were a little wet and the stems don't bend anymore. i'm burping them for 15 minutes now.. When i put the buds in before, they were pretty dry and crispy to the touch and stems...
  6. C

    Better to overdry than underdry??

    i yielded a little over 2oz wet. and the plant was in week 9 of flowering, hairs were amber so were trichs. and i don't think it is suppose to have a grassy taste... i'm gonna go ahead and dry it for another couple of days and cure it with an orange peel. hopefully that'll bring back a good...
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    Better to overdry than underdry??

    I cut down my plant a few days ago and nipped some of the buds to dry. They have been drying for 4 days now and I don't know if that is enough time for it to be complete dry. I want to cure it too but I don't know if it is too soon for me to cure it.. it doesn't smell like anything, the...
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    Buds dying off before trichs turn amber...=[

    ehh.. i'm just gonna cut it all off today.
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    Buds dying off before trichs turn amber...=[

    well.. it's been about 8 or 9 weeks of flowering already. she's an outdoor plant. somewhere between late week 8 and early week 9, no later. And I would have chopped off the top cola first but it was the bottom buds that were starting to go bad.. the top is still fine, but it's gonna have to come...
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    Buds dying off before trichs turn amber...=[

    So I've been waiting for my trichomes to turn amber and I started to check on the condition of the buds as well.... Almost all of the hairs are red and even some of calyxes on the bottom of some buds are brown and pretty much dead. The trichomes are like only 10/15 percent amber and the rest...
  11. C

    Are we close??

    thanks for the advice. but what kind of ratio are we talking here? 50/50? 25/75 amber? i don't wanna wait too long and miss my window. and the other thing, i don't use any types of fertilizer, so do you think it'll get any bigger than that? i know, it's pretty pathetic compared the monsters on...
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    Are we close??

    okay, i'm a newbie and i'm nearing the end of my first grow. bagseed.. but i don't know if it's the right time to chop it up yet. I didn't know that you should date the time of first flowering so... i started to keep track a little late. but so far, i've kept track for five weeks now and I...
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    A little nugget of whats to come

    so incredibly jealous! >=[ but awesome, man. just plain awesome..
  14. C

    First Grow

    I'd water them daily. but not too much, you don't want the soil to be soggy or the roots will rot. You don't want that.. Make sure there is holes on the bottom of the cups so the water can drain. Other than that, happy growing!
  15. C

    Wanna Get High?

    that's awesome. One of those branches off that plant is equal to the yield of my entire plant.. =[
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    newbie - so my closet is out of commission..

    thanks so much, faralos. you're a lifesaver. i'm a little confused with your photos though... there's no screen pictured in the first and last picture, so explain please? I don't know if it is meant to show the screen is added at a later stage in drying or..? and i'm guessing box...
  17. C

    two questions about harvest

    ihavefeet, can you post pics of your tupperware box setup? Or if you can't, can you tell me what it looks like? i'm looking for a similar way to dry out my buds and your box seems reasonable. thanks.
  18. C

    newbie - so my closet is out of commission..

    and one of my plants is nearing the harvest stage. I have just a few questions and if any are answered, then that'd be awesome. =] I read that some people can use a cardboard box as a drying area to replace the closet. I was just thinking a cardboard box and a small oscillating fan. If so...
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    First Grow. Need Help and Answers!!

    thanks for the info, joebuck. i guess no more miracle grow for round 2. and thanks for info mikmil, i'll let them stay next time.
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    First Grow. Need Help and Answers!!

    thanks for the tips swirltcw and cannibuscanuck. it's a BIG help. they started flowering on their own. And I transplanted them into a bigger pot about 4 days ago. i still don't understand why miracle grow is bad for the plants? does it have to do with potency of the buds or is it because it...