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  1. jd1987


    is there a way a seed is supposed to look before germination that enhances the probability of germination? (color, size, spots?) as in can you look at a seed and tell that it is better or healthier than another (dealing with bagseed)
  2. jd1987

    its a boy! what now.

    yea its just bagseed - so i guess ill just throw it away - sad man. oh well
  3. jd1987

    its a boy! what now.

    haha alright man i like that - thanks for the help
  4. jd1987

    its a boy! what now.

    that was a really fast response thanks man - but im just a first time grower and am only doing one at a time just to get the hang of it right now so i dont have any other females right at the moment
  5. jd1987

    its a boy! what now.

    so best ways of disposal? trash bag to dumpster? seems harsh. should i have like a memorial service before i snatch it up. i dont know is there just nothing i can do with it - like do clones only come from female plants (like if i cloned it it would always be a male right? because that would...
  6. jd1987

    Is this a male, female, or both? Please help!

    ah - thats exactly what mine looks like. damn. i was worried that mine was a male too. it is. good luck next time man
  7. jd1987

    week one of flowering

    they are about an inch to two inches away-i just moved them to different/better positions so ill see if that picks them up-thanks for the help
  8. jd1987


    ^^ haha thats cool man - i thought my plant was originaly female - i mean this is my first grow but i thought that it had pistols-im a week into flowering and the male parts just started up - do the male plants grow bud like growths? or something in place of the female bud? because i have...
  9. jd1987


    how common is it to get a hermie plant? mine is starting to produce some balls but it looks like it also has the female parts - pistils? - im not exactly sure what they are called or how to spell it-i hope its not a straight up dude
  10. jd1987

    week one of flowering

    ok good deal - i knew about the 2 week thing but thanks for the info on the dosage
  11. jd1987

    week one of flowering

    no im watering half strength nutes but i did feed them twice in a row - but that was only because the leaves looked floppy so i was hoping that the nutes would pick them up - but there hasnt been any change - during flowering are you supposed to still cut the fert doses in half? i just assumed...
  12. jd1987

    week one of flowering

    hey im in week one of flowering and running into a small problem - my plant looks pretty healthy for the most part except the higher fan leaves seem to not have much structure to them - i dont want to say they are droopy exactly...the leaves just fall and it looks like a claw almost - is this...
  13. jd1987

    Moving to 12/12 - need a little info

    yea ive got a fan that runs all the time and i leave the door open to get some fresh air moving so thats all good - and im not actually sure what kind it is to be honest
  14. jd1987

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    agreed - whats with all the negativity? all the guy is trying to do is get opinions on what it is - its interesting in the least. there's no need for attacks everyone should probably chill - if it turns out to be a different kind of plant then thats that. onthed - you're lmfao - we get it - you...
  15. jd1987

    Moving to 12/12 - need a little info

    alright thanks alot
  16. jd1987

    When should i trim my plants?

    yea my mistake i misunderstood you - i actually have been wondering about when to trim too - im about to start flowering and my lower older leaves are sickly looking but i have good growth coming up behind them - should i trim those up or just leave them?
  17. jd1987

    When should i trim my plants?

    i would say wait man - those plants are little bitty - i think you could traumatize the plant possibly - it may do more harm than good right now - i say let them grow a little while
  18. jd1987

    Moving to 12/12 - need a little info

    Well im about to move my plant into the flowering stage which is exciting - is there anything other then changing light and ferts that is necessary right away? also - i have one plant and live in an apartment - its a closet grow - the closet is not ventilated. with one plant in a closed room...
  19. jd1987


    i had my fan that i was using touching the surface of the platform that my plant was sitting-the motor from the fan was making the soil vibrate and the plant was always shaking from the wind and vibrating-do you think this has an affect on the plant at all? just curious. also my new growth...
  20. jd1987


    great i appreciate the help guys-good luck to everyone