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  1. C

    need help sexing the rest of my plants

    the plants have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks now and i have already killed off one that was i'm really hopeing for a female at this other question, is there anything i can do with the male plants..smoke, cooking etc....Just don't feel like waisting alll my hard
  2. C

    need help sexing the rest of my plants

    first 2 pics are of same plant
  3. C

    need help sexing the rest of my plants

    Thanks for all the input on my other plant these are pics of my other 4 plants....not sure if they are far enough along to tell but hopefully someone with more experience than me could tell. Thanks again for the help.
  4. C

    first time grow need help sexing

    thanks for the imput. I have 4 other plants going right now i wil have pics tommorow, hopefully i get atleast 1 female.
  5. C

    first time grow need help sexing

    this is my first time attempting to grow. I have had the plants on 12/12 for about 10 days now but not sure what i'm really looking for. from other pictures i've looked at i was thinking it might be a hermie,but would like some other imput from more expeienced eyes. Please let me know what you...