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  1. C

    smell control help...please

    check out this thread it should help
  2. C

    how my buds look?

    thanx twistyman gonna have to go pick up a pocket microscope...can i get one at somewhere like wally world?
  3. C

    how my buds look?

    i used mg with the time released nutes cause i didn't know any better, but it has seemed to work out just fine. Next time i'll prob use something better but for my first time the mg seemed lik the easiest way not to screw up. I've learned diff on here though.
  4. C

    how my buds look?

    no clue on the strain they were from bag seed
  5. C

    how my buds look?

    been on 12/12 for about 5weeks now. can anybody give me an idea of about how much longer i should let them go before i harvest? 1st 2 pics are of one plant its about 2 1/2 feet tall and the other plant is about 4 ft tall. thanks in advance for ur comments
  6. C

    smell control help...please

    look up diy carbon filters theres alot of different ways u can use it depending on ur situation. Just setting it there won't be as effective as building a filtration device. heres one i found. Ryoko Builds a DIY Activated Carbon Filter - 30 Minutes, $30 Dollars - The Garden's Cure
  7. C

    feminized seeds are they really worth it?

    wow thanks for all the help guy. I think i'm going to stick with regular seeds for now. I'm only growing for personal use as well as i've found its pretty damn fun wathching the little buggers grow.. thanks again for all the help......... happy smokin
  8. C

    feminized seeds are they really worth it?

    any suggestions on a good newbie strain? my new grow area is 3ftdeep 6ftwide and 4ft tall and i will be using mainly cfls.
  9. C

    feminized seeds are they really worth it?

    been lookin to possibly buy some seeds and saw they had feminized seeds but there like 3 times more expensive. I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with them and if there really worth it.
  10. C

    quick ? about odor. i'm confused

    thanks hempity for now the plants are in my closet but for my next grow i plan on putting them in the basement under the stairs. I never thought of using plastic to basically seal the room off. + rep for that and holy shit to the 60 hps lamps lol
  11. C

    3 weeks into flower hairs already turning amber/orange?

    thanks guys just needed some reassurance
  12. C

    3 weeks into flower hairs already turning amber/orange?

    well i've had the plants ( 2 of them ) on 12/12 for about 4-5 weeks and saw the first hairs about 3 1/2 weeks ago. now some of the hairs are starting to turn orange is this normal or is something wrong. i'm using 2 4' plant and aquarium flouros and 2 60w cfls (I know its not much light but this...
  13. C

    no lights the plant will sprout?? help!

    ur plant really doesn't need any light till after its sprouted and even then it doesn't need much ..did u germ the seeds first?
  14. C

    1st setup

    thats a sweet set up think i might use something similar for my next grow
  15. C

    Male pollen sack?

    get a pic of them on the plant. can't tell anything from those..make my eyes hurt
  16. C

    quick ? about odor. i'm confused

    correction it was ravioli that said the thing about the air pressure not ocean
  17. C

    quick ? about odor. i'm confused

    the only thing i could think of is when they put the bathroom fan in ( i rent a town house and it looks like it was a self instalation from a previous tenant) they didn't really exhaust it anywhere it just goes into the ceiling and like thc ocean said the heat and air movment could be creating s...
  18. C

    quick ? about odor. i'm confused

    thanks for all ur help i think i found a good diy carbon filter using fish tank carbon hopefully it works. thanks again for all ur help
  19. C

    quick ? about odor. i'm confused

    so u can just circulate the air in the room through a carbon filter and not cause any harm to the plants?
  20. C

    quick ? about odor. i'm confused

    the most baffling part of it is that the closet itself doesn't have that strong of an odor nor does my bedroom. its fn wierd.