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  1. C

    Any other CANNA nutrient users?

    Not so sure that this is true.
  2. C

    Tent 15 degrees hotter than room

    I am using a carbon filter at the top of the tent. Ducting runs from the filter down to my my light which is connecting to more ducting that runs to a 400cfm(on outside of tent) and into the attic. I dont have to worry too much about smell since every neighbor around me grows and the air outside...
  3. C

    nutrient confusion

    Hey everyone. I am using canna nutrients for my first grow and was wondering if i should use 1/4 of what is recommended on their feeding schedule online. I am always reading that you should not use the full strength of nutrients recommended. Is this true? :joint:
  4. C

    Tent 15 degrees hotter than room

    Hey all, my 4x4 grow tent is about 75 right now and the room that the tent is in is 60. I know 75 is a great temperature, but from my understanding the tent should be no more than 5 degrees hotter than the room that it is in. Does this mean that i possibly do not have everything set up right? I...
  5. C

    Water hardness value help

    Also, since the ppm of the tap water i use is 40 and say i need 1000 ppm total for my nutrient/water solution; would that mean that i need to add 960 ppm of nutrients to reach the desired 1000ppm?
  6. C

    Any other CANNA nutrient users?

    Ok, thanks ill keep that in mind. Does anyone know about the 2 different ppm sections on the canna nutrient schedule?
  7. C

    Water hardness value help

    Hey, i am trying to figure out the hardness of my water. I tested my water and it is coming up as 40 on my Hanna combo meter. Does this mean that my water hardness is only 0.1? I bought the Canna substra(HARD) nutrient line. Doesn't 0.1 mean that my water is soft? Appreciate any input
  8. C

    Any other CANNA nutrient users?

    Also, on the chart there are two sections for ppm. One section say ppm (truncheon) and the other says ppm (Truncheon total). Is the first one what my ppm should be for the nutrients and the second what it should be with water and nutrients mixed. A little...
  9. C

    Any other CANNA nutrient users?

    Do you start off with a low dose of the vega also? I wonder why the bottle tells you to put more than you should in the water. Perhaps cannabis is a bit different than most plants(tomatoes, peppers, corn etc.) It will take me a little bit of time to understand my plants and what they are telling...
  10. C

    Any other CANNA nutrient users?

    I am using promix with a little perlite, and dolomite lime to even out the ph and keep it steady. I was told by a friend who has a lot of experience that i should used canna substra for the promix. I am off to the grow shop to get ph down and up and a few other things. Thanks a lot for the...
  11. C

    Any other CANNA nutrient users?

    Hey everyone, i am using Canna substra nutrients and additives for my first indoor grow, and was wondering if anyone else uses these nutrients. I was going to follow the chart on the Canna website for hard water. Is there anything that you do differently, or have you noticed that you need to add...
  12. C

    Feel silly asking this but....

    Do i need to measure my water and fertilizers ppm separately and add them together to make sure that they are at the appropriate level for the specific stage of growth?
  13. C

    Feel silly asking this but....

    Thanks for the clarification everyone. Deetee, i will be using this chart Your saying seedlings usually can only handle 100-250 ppm of nutrients but on the canna feeding schedule 910.
  14. C

    Feel silly asking this but....

    What is ppm? I know it is parts per million, but what does that mean exactly and what is it referring to? Could someone please help me out and break it down for me so i understand? Thank you
  15. C

    Temp in tent 8 degrees hotter than room

    Thanks man! I am still trying to figure out a way to block the light from coming in my intake. Someone told me that an ac filter would work, and that isn't working at all. Will a 90 degree bent pvc painted black be all that i need to accomplish this?
  16. C

    Temp in tent 8 degrees hotter than room

    The tent is pulling air from the room via the vent on the side. I attached an ac filter on the vent which is held by the negative pressure.
  17. C

    Temp in tent 8 degrees hotter than room

    Hey all, i am in the process of setting up a 4x4 tent. The room around my tent is currently 57 degrees and inside the tent it is 65 degrees. I have heard that the temperature in my tent should only be five degrees warmer than the room that it is in. I have not yet hooked up a space heater in the...
  18. C

    I haven't smoked in 20 years

    I know this thread is old, but i must correct you. Herb back in the 80's was actually on average no where close to the potency it is today. New methods and techniques of marijuana horticulture has completely changed and advanced since those times. My folks, and my elders always tell me how much...
  19. C

    Canna Substra for Soil?

    Would it be ok to use the Canna Substra Nutrients for soil? Thanks
  20. C

    Weird situation over here please help

    Thanks a lot guys! I called the shop and they said to bring it back in with my ballast to see if it works. So its possible that the ballast will only work for hps now? I was going to leave the stepping on the chord detail out. Seems weird that when i stepped on the chord that happened. The arc...