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  1. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Yea it's closed up with that fan running every hour for 20 minutes. Humidity is about 43% and I have it outside in a the garden shed and low temps running about 50 degrees F
  2. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Thanks man. There is also about 5 grams that I have curing that came off when I made and oops and snapped a branch about 2 weeks ago. Haven't bothered to try it yet. I don't really like super heady highs and that came off really early. I will try to get a photo of everything when it is done and...
  3. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    In the poorly made makeshift dry box lol. Like I said this is only about 25-30% of what is there, but that is all I am going to do for now. I will do some more tonight once the sun goes down and then let the remaining lower buds go a couple more days to a week to fill out and amber up.
  4. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Well I harvested a bit today so far. I trimmed up the main kola and then another top. About 12" of each which is about half of what was left after Lollypopping. Ended up with about 60 grams wet and it was about 25% of my total plant. Not looking great for my final weight when dry. Better than...
  5. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    That's awesome. I've never had my hands on any Acapulco Gold. Almost looks to nice to smoke :p Looks more like something you would hang on your Xmas tree haha
  6. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Right on. I will make sure to do it then. Thanks a bunch guys.
  7. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Ok, that would just be a lot more convenient for me then at 6 in the morning lol. I'll either chop her this weekend or wait until Wednesday. I don't really mind the wait, I am just anxious to get to do it lol.
  8. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    could I do it at like 9. That is 2 horus after sun goes down?
  9. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Ok. I will decide on whether or not I chop her down tomorrow or not. I will also try to chop in the morning. Also she is in a 5 gallon bucket.
  10. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    So hate to keep writing on here, but here is a couple off the bud. I see some amber but not nearly as much. Even worse, I feel like these photos really aren't great quality (used to a 24MP DSLR Though), so I can't really tell the difference TOO WELL between cloudy and clear.
  11. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Yes, I also had trouble with what appeared to be bud rot, but I don't think it was. I had a bud worm problem and in two separate spots I found what looked like bud rot but there were worms inside the mess. I feel like possibly it webbing, but I chopped it all away and treated anyways. No bud rot...
  12. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Just took these two a couple minutes ago. This is from about half down the plant as well. LOTS of amber here. totally different then what I was seeing from yesterdays "specimen" lol. I really feel like lookign at this, I should harvest tomorrow.
  13. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Yea see, mine don't look that big lol. how long has it been in flower?
  14. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Thanks @Six9 I am really having trouble deciding whether to do it tomorrow or not. I obviously want to so that I can get it done (and since it is my first time I am excited too). However, it will only be 53 days since flowering began so I feel like it could easily take another week or more. Some...
  15. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    I got something rigged up out of a storage box I had lying around, thanks for the idea. Only thing is, I am worried even this computer fan is going to blow too much air and cause the buds to either dry unevenly or too quickly.
  16. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Yea, I am dealing with the opposite right now. I just started a new seed (lowryder #1) and I can't get the humidity above 30% in the box. Not to mention 90 degree temp. So I bought a little mini humidifier today on amazon and hopefullyy that will help for veg. In flower i wouldn't be too...
  17. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    This isn't a bad idea, and I have an extra computer fan that would probably work ok for that. I will look into doing that. Thanks again
  18. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Snapped a few more close ups of some sugar leaf from about half way up the plant. not as much amber here.
  19. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    Hmm, well I will look into it then. I have read a lot of conflicting posts about the chop before light since this morning and reading your post, some for it and some against. I figure it can't hurt to try, it all just depends on if it is convenient too. I have neighbors and a business on one...
  20. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    And, since it is all personal use, I don't mind the longer cure, in fact, I like the longer cure. I am looking to cure for about 3-6 months.