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  1. K

    Overdrive question

    When exactly should you start using Overdrive in flowering, and how many tspns/gal? How long should I use it for and should I add more to the mix overtime?
  2. K

    Exhaust question

    Well, when both are running at the same time it's kind of hard to maintain a certain temperature in the room. If it's cold outisde, it gets really cold in the room even with a heater.
  3. K

    Exhaust question

    Hey, I have a fan pushing air from an outside room with fresh air into my boxed room. I also have a fan in the room pulling air out... Should I have both of these fans constantly running simultaneously, or have the one fan on all the time and the exhaust run every 15 minutes for 15 minutes, or...
  4. K

    Utility/electric bills are high

    How much lighting would you say would put up a red flag?
  5. K

    Anyone using UFOs?

    Does anyone here have a lot of experience with UFOs? How well have they done for you compared to other lighting? I'm trying to reduce the use of my electric and need to know if these are good enough to grow by themselves or just as a supplement?
  6. K

    Utility/electric bills are high

    I used to have 4 roommates and our bill was usually around $600...I now have one roommate in the same house and we aren't using nearly as much water/gas/electricity. If the electric part of the bill raises a lot but the total utility bill is still cheaper will that attract any trouble?
  7. K

    Bud Blood?

    Ya those look great! How old were they at that point?
  8. K

    Bud Blood?

    So only use it like the first 2 waterings? Or sohuld I be watering more than every 3 days in flowering?
  9. K

    Bud Blood?

    Hey, How much bud blood should I mix in per gallon when I initially start to flower? How much should I add to that after each watering?
  10. K

    Should fans be on all day

    Should you keep strong fans on all day? Even when lights are out?
  11. K

    Are UFOs worth it?

    Ok, well I have one ufo and it isn't red, it's a shade of purple...I know they put the red and blue spectrums that are needed. I just don't know if the amount they put out is equivalent to HPS/MH...I've tested it and a plant under UFO seems to grow taller but the leaves seem a little thinner...
  12. K

    Exhaust on timer?

    Would you all say that cycling my exhaust would be smarter than to leave it on constantly? If so, do you mind explaining why it would matter?
  13. K

    Are UFOs worth it?

    They are around $200 for a 90 watt first of all...Are they actaully WORTH it? Does their lighting affect the plant any differently than HPS/MH? How much space could 1 90watt cover during flowering for a 5-6 ft plants? Any help would be appreciated.
  14. K

    Common flowering mishaps

    Ya, I actually have all 3 of those additives ready to use. How much bud blood and big bud should I began mixing with the nutes at first? Gradually increase?
  15. K

    Lights' plant capacity

    Well, I intend for them to grow to about 5 or 6 ft...I was thinking of just doing all UFO's for the energy saving. How much space do you thin 1 90 watt UFO could cover? Thanks
  16. K

    Lights' plant capacity

    I'm just trying to figure out what I'll need to upgrade to when I start to flower...How many plants can a 90w UFO, 400W HPS, and 1000W HPS flower? Thanks
  17. K

    knowing sex before flowering

    Hey, I'm just about to start flowering and was just wondering if there is anyway I could tell a plants sex before I started ot flower? Thanks
  18. K

    Common flowering mishaps

    Does hps get much hotter than mh?
  19. K

    Common flowering mishaps

    Hey, I'm nearing the flowering stage and just wanted to know if anyone had any common tips they could part to me? Are there certain things I should look out for as opposed to vegetative? Thanks!
  20. K

    Reusing soil

    Would it be ok to reuse the same soil ive already used if I made sure to flush it out well