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  1. K

    co2 genergator or AC unit

    I was thinking about getting a co2 generator but my day temps are way too high...should I just invest in a portable AC before anythin gelse?
  2. K

    Using Big Bud with Overdrive

    I just went into week 4 of flowering and have been using big bud for about a week now...when should I start using overdrive and should I continue big bud with it? When should I stop using everything all together?
  3. K

    How long do you cure for?

    If I'm looking to stop curing these girls when they are pretty dense and sticky, how long should I cure for?
  4. K

    Spray leaves during flowering

    Is it smart to spray the leaves during flowering or will that just cause mold?
  5. K

    Any flowering techniques?

    Well, going into flowering I watered without nutes for 2 times before starting ot add bloom nutes. Should I add some of the veg nutes to the bloom nutes or just continue on with my mistake? they dont seem to be affected from the bloom nutes in any negative way so far...
  6. K

    "Big Bud" question

    okay i got you, thanks for the advice man! when i start using overdrive around week 6 or 7 should I continue using big bud as well?
  7. K

    Any flowering techniques?

    Is there anything I could do to my plants during the first week of flowering to increase their potential yield? Would topping be a good idea this late in their life?
  8. K

    "Big Bud" question

    you use big bud in veg too? or just start of flowering to 1 week before flush? should i start adding overdrive soon? they are 1 week into flowering
  9. K

    "Big Bud" question

    Is it okay to use it with bud blood?
  10. K

    When using bud blood, big bud, and overdrive

    When using these during flowering stage, should you be mixing them along with your flowering nutes?
  11. K

    "Big Bud" question

    can someone please help?
  12. K

    CFLs during flowering?

    haha ya sorry i meant to say fluros...thanks for the advice
  13. K

    CFLs during flowering?

    I have a 400watt hid over 4 plants right now, but I also have 2 125watt fluros (color temp 6400k, base e39) that I havent been using. Would these be worth putting up for supplemental lighting during flowering?
  14. K

    Cheap supplemental lighting

    I have a 400 watt over 4 there any cheap supplemental lighting I should invest in? Will mylar do the trick?
  15. K

    Estimated yield for this setup

    by side lighting do you mean some supplemental cfls or would mylar do the trick?
  16. K

    Increased yield techniques

    My plant is about 1 week into flowering. I've let it naturally grow without any topping or anything, but is there anything I could start doing to the plant at this point to increase potential yield?
  17. K

    Estimated yield for this setup

    What other determinants could up this yield? They are 1 week into flowering, is there anything I could do to the plants themselves to increase growth/yield?
  18. K

    Estimated yield for this setup

    I'm doing a regular grow in soil for right now and left them in veg for about 8-9 weeks
  19. K

    Estimated yield for this setup

    If I have a 400 watt on 4 honey bee (100% sativa farm seeds), using nutes, bud blood, big bud, and overdrive, how much do you think they should yield if I have room to grow up to 6-7'?
  20. K

    "Big Bud" question

    How far into flowering should I start using Big bud, and how many tspns/gal? How long should I use it and should I increase the amount I mix in water?