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  1. K

    will gnatol affect the taste of the buds?

    Its definitely what i have. damn fungus gnats. but i heard sand does damage to the plants. i have a bunch of fly traps that i think will at least keep them from killing my plants.
  2. K

    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    true true, looks healthy so far :blsmoke:
  3. K

    will gnatol affect the taste of the buds?

    yea, i'm gonna live with the flies for another month and a half then... i don't want gnatol flavor weed!!! I used it a lot when i was vegging, as long as i don't use it now i wont be tasting it right???
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    will gnatol affect the taste of the buds?

    bounce to the night crewbongsmilie
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    I just took a clone from a flowering plant...

    I had 4 large flowering clones and they all grew very healthy, eventually. At first they became severely deformed but they bounced back big time. It did take quite a while for them to root, 2-3 weeks. The bud on top will die when it re-veges and it will act like a topped plant. I think your...
  6. K

    will gnatol affect the taste of the buds?

    I have a bit of a gnat problem and i am in my 3rd week of flowering. I thought i got rid of them when i poisoned the shit out of them before i put the plants into flowering, but they have come back! I'm debating on whether or not i should poison them again during flowering because i don't want...
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    first day of flowering

    Here is an update. My plants are getting large. I'm still hoping that i wont have to tie them down. I would prefer that they finish flowering without manipulation because this is my first grows and i want to keep it simple. In this pic you can see that the plants fill at least if not more than...
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    first day of flowering

    Thanks Calimedicated :bigjoint: Yea, i was thinking of using those tablets they sell that when you add water to them they turn into c02 but i get so much air circulation that i figured it would be a waste. Homegrownboy, My plants were budding clones when i received them and i had to revert...
  9. K

    first day of flowering

    OK, cool, so maybe im not doomed lol. I was kind of hoping i wouldnt have to manipulate the plants much but oh well. C02 huh, thats bad ass, I decided to skip that the first time around because it exceeded my budget...
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    first day of flowering

    Hey meangreen69 and calimedicated, 2.5 weeks! damn, i hope it doesnt take that long. ha. The strain is white widow :leaf: and im using earth grow nutes. Im not sure exatly how long they have been vegging because when i received them they were unrooted clones and so that took a while, and then...
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    250 watt HPS enough???

    I'm a first time grower, but i have learned a lot in the last couple months. The general rule of thumb is no less than 40W per sq foot for ideal conditions. Any less and it will work but plants may stretch. at any rate that gives you 5 sq feet to work with, enough to grow 3 medium sized plants...
  12. K

    first day of flowering

    bump to the night crew.bongsmilie
  13. K

    first day of flowering

    Hey, This is my first grow and as of yesterday I changed my light cycle to 12/12. I hoping that i did not wait to long. What are the chances my plants will tripple in size? If they tripple im doomed. If they double in size im golden. Also, how long whould it take before i see flowering? Here...
  14. K

    odor-sok is not working, my place reaks

    Ok, i purchased an 18" (long) foothills filter to replace the odor sok. The foothills filter says it has 8 lb of activated carbon, i will report back in a week or so to let you guys know if it is another flop. Bonz, its a bit late on this response, but i read for optimal conditions your room...
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    odor-sok is not working, my place reaks

    I'm tempted to buy one, I think i probably will. i need to act quick. I hope it works though, would hate to end up with another dud. I'm limited for space too... and these filters are more compact. The can filters for the same cfm are 18" in diameter, not 8". It will probably just be harder to...
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    odor-sok is not working, my place reaks

    Hey Skinflute, i saw those filters online before but i was skeptical. have you tried one? Do they work well? they are a bit smaller than most other carbon filters.
  17. K

    odor-sok is not working, my place reaks

    Ok, its official, i put the filter in the dryer for 15 minutes. I put it back on and the smell was gone. One day later, smell is coming back. Looks like im going to have to get a carbon filter... Luckily, the local hydro store has a 300 cfm max filter for 150.
  18. K

    odor-sok is not working, my place reaks

    I purchased and ordorsok a few months ago. I have some plants that are ready to flower and they are smelling strong. I know you can recondition these things a few times before they are toast. I think you throw them in the dryer? anybody know? Has anyone ever used one of these things before with...
  19. K

    HUGE heat issue Need help fast

    I had good luck putting one strong fan blowing air out at the top. the heat rises and you don't want it sturring around the plants. You can draw new fresh air from the bottom, through the plants, through your lights, and then out the top.
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    Very Deformed new growth

    Lostcoastlocal - Ok, i think i will go ahead and put them into flowering in the next day or so then. I thought they tripple in size meaning volume, not height. I think i will try scrogging as well. Is this correct - I put fencing over the tops of the plants, induce flowering, and train buds to...