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  1. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Thanks wouldnot. The setup has surely evolved since its birth. I started out with an open setup, but the light... dont look into the light!!! It makes you super parenoid. Lostcoastlocal - I thought they were a bit young still? I was even thinking giving them another 2 weeks!?! And scrogging -...
  2. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Thanks for the info everyone! I believe we have it down to combination of reverting back from a flowering female clone, and too many micronutrients. Hey wouldnot, Your lettuce leaves look similar to my leaves in the first pics. I flushed the soil and it seemed to help a bit. Otherwise they...
  3. K

    Very Deformed new growth

  4. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    haha, true that. did you find out what the problem was?
  5. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Jointluver, Im feeding them the recomended dosage of nutes every other watering. Im using all earth juice ferts and they are organic, which i hear makes it hard to over nute because there are less salts. In addition, i recently transplanted them from 4 in pots to 4 gal pots, so there shouldnt be...
  6. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Davii, dude, your plants look way better than mine.
  7. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Could the deformities i am having be related to reverting a flowering clone back into a vegative state? All of the clones had little tiny buds on them when they were cut, especially one which acted as if it were topped right away.
  8. K

    HUGE heat issue Need help fast

    I heard panasonic makes a super quiet fan thats like 85 cfm, but its not cheap, like 200 or something. I have a 6" can fan HO, its like 400 cfm. Its pretty quiet but most of the noise i hear is air noise. I have a grow tent (2.5 x 2.6 x 5.4) so i just pump the air outside the tent and into the...
  9. K

    HUGE heat issue Need help fast

    dude, even if you were using only 14 - 23W bulbs, that would be 92Watts per foot. I read that you should be in the range of 40-60 watts. Anybody, please correct me if i am wrong. Therefore; you should probably only be using 7 - 8 bulbs. that will put you in the 50-60 watt range. Concerning heat...
  10. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    I haven't changed the light darks cycle, however; I did change from flouro to hps about 2.5 weeks ago and from hps to mh a few days ago. The light cycle has been a constant 18/6 as far as I know.
  11. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Ok, here is an update. Shit just keeps getting weirder. The very deformed leaves have changed texture and color.... again... All of them actually. In addition, the once 7 leafer clones have reverted to 5 leaf, then 4 leaf? then 3 leaf then 1 1/2 leafs.... the leafs are deformed still but in a...
  12. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Thanks for the tips dude, im going to give it a try. :peace:
  13. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Yea, i though that would be the answer... but i was hoping it wouldn't be... I am in the city. The crappy water has a ph of 8.6 out of the tap because of the extreme levels of chlorine (you can smell it)... I have to let it sit for a couple of days before i can use it. How much water do i need...
  14. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Trace elements is another way of saying micro nutrients right? Is there anything i can do? or do i just need to sit this one out and hope they recover? :-?
  15. K

    Very Deformed new growth

    Hi all, This is my first grow and although i have had numerous problems i have been able to solve them, but this one has me stumped... The Problem: 3 out of 4 white widow clones stopped growing at the same time. Over night the large fan leaves at the bottom developed yellow spots. The tops...
  16. K

    thread didnt post

    Hey, Im new... I posted a long thread because my plant is messed up... and i got a notice saying it may take x amount of time to post but it was too fast and i didnt see how long it said it would take. At any rate that was like 6 hours ago. Does it take a while? was it denied or something?
  17. K

    plants have deformed new growth, please help!

    Ok, i am a first time grower and i have been having some issues, most of which i have sorted out, but i am stumped on this one. Breakdown: Problem - Something happened suddenly that made all of my plants begin growing severely deformed new growth, old growth yellowed over night then...