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  1. B


    Ok. So i am going to Harvest one of my plants in two weeks. I just want to make sure i am going to do this right. I am going to cut off water as of tomorrow. Then i am not going to water for 2 weeks. I will then cut off the branches and hang them for a week then i will Jar them with opening the...
  2. B


    Thanks. Feeling like xmas is comming in a cpl weeks.
  3. B


    Cool bro thanks for the help.
  4. B


    molasses? Do i mix it with water? Wow never heard or read that one. Thanks
  5. B


    Thanks when should i start cutting out the nutes and water? By the way this is my first grow ever. I started indoor and had to move them out doors. We are starting to get cold nights up in the NE so will this effect or speed them up?
  6. B


    How much longer you think. I am supposed to travel for bus and dont want to fuck this up. And they smell so good.
  7. B


    How long before i start budding see Pics. I am in week 12 of flowering on the smaller plant week 10 for the bigger one.
  8. B

    Odd Leaves

    Anyone? I will post pics tomorrow.
  9. B

    Odd Leaves

    I have a question. My plant hase leaves growing with only 1 leaf instead of the typical 3 leaves on a stem. And the stem of the leaf is bright red. These are also the leafs that turn yellow. I have ny watering and nutes down pat but these single leaf ones are always turning yellow. Any one ever...
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    My Lady

    Well my other plant sexed and its a girl. Cigars for everyone.
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    My Lady

    ok so i will just wait and see what happens
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    My Lady

    patience is not my strong suit. Well atleast one is ready to start budding. Thats a good thing.
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    My Lady

    SO can anyone tell me why one sexed before the other or why it hasent sexed yet?
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    My Lady

    Here is a pic of my 2 plants. I was wondering. I planted them at the same time and as you can see one sexed before the other. One without the hairs was always smaller it has come into its own lately but still hasent sexed like the other one.
  15. B

    Plant drinking alot

    And the waether has been weird this yr in the north east we got an ass load of rain so i was covering the base of the plant with bags because i was gettin to much water. Then it got realy dry out and she wasnt gettin enough.
  16. B

    Plant drinking alot

    Let me know how it goes will try it if it works. Thanks and good luck.
  17. B

    Plant drinking alot

    I have Peatmoss on top of the soil.
  18. B

    Plant drinking alot

    THanks. Shes been outside for about a month now. SHe took real well to it. I was originally over watering then i got it down. Now she is drinkin like crazy. I think she is flowering now so yea
  19. B

    Plant drinking alot

    mY plants are doing much better all yellow leaves gone. She seems to be drinking alot. I just watered her yesterday and she is dry today. I check everyday with my water meter and she used to go 3 days with out water i seem to be watering her every day now. Is this normal? She converted to the...
  20. B

    HElp Needed

    Ok got a moisture meter it ranges from 1-4. I have it at a 3 right now. I am keeping it in the plant so i can watch it. I went straight water to taday and will for the next watering. Will keep u all updated