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  1. B

    HElp Needed

    OK day 3 with out watering. Leaves still yellow but not as bad. Headed out to get a moisture tester. Will post what the mosisture level is later. Once again thanks to all who helped.
  2. B

    What up from New York

    Hello all. Yes i am a Newb. I will ask stupid question and do things wrong. But i see by the post i have put up and the posts i have a read i will not be one for long. I in advance like to thank everyone for there help and will hopefully be enjoying the fruits of my labor.
  3. B

    HElp Needed

    I was growing indoors with a 750 MH light. I am renovating my house so i moved it outdoors. It was doing well and for somereason in my head figured it was drying out faster so i better water more. Ok so i wont water for a cpl days and i will go to just water. I use RO cause i have like 3 salt...
  4. B

    HElp Needed

    Ok here is the problem. My leaves are yellowing. I thinks it is my watering. My qust is how much to water and how often. I added Nutes this dont seem to be helping. I am doing nutes every other day and watering everyday about 16oz of water. Is this to much? the yellowing started on a couple of...
  5. B


    No they dont. I just orderd some Age old off the net. My wife decided to stay home this trip so she will be here to get it. Thanks for the help.
  6. B


    thanks just need to find a 12-6-6 mix. cant seem to find it
  7. B


    My problem is where i live there are only a couple of garden centers and Lowes and Home Depot. They all seem to either carry MG or Espoma. Nothing else. I am going to be traveling for Bus and dont have time to wait to order off the internet. I was told Old Age Organics are good but cant get it...
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    Has any one ever used tis product? If so is it good. I found they make a 5-10-5 mix for Boom but cant find a 12-6-6 for grow. Can any one suggest some thing else that i can get localy at a home depot or local gareden center In NY?
  9. B

    infrared police helicopters

    They most likely not even waste the gas on a plane for someone growing a couple of plants.
  10. B

    A little help

    Wow i thought i would be told that the plant is small and needs alot of help. I know i didnt do the lighting right in the house. In the reno i am buliding a nice little grow room now that i have done my research. At this point what chems should i add to it. I have never realy added anything to...
  11. B

    A little help

    What up all. A few questions. I am new to growing. I kinda did it on a lark. I took some seeds from some bud i got and to my surprise i actualy got somthing. I have been traveling for work like crazy so the wife has been watering it. With all my traveling it has not been taken care of very...