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  1. stilltokin

    how close should cfls be to seedlings?

    move the lights as close as possible, then put ure hand under the light and check if its too hot. But the closer the better. Just don't burn em Peace
  2. stilltokin

    my cabinet set up (good pics)

    ok thanks, u rekon a mini sog would work? peace:peace:
  3. stilltokin

    my cabinet set up (good pics)

    hey ppl thanks for replies, the soil is just an organic potting soil from a nursery. Do u ppl rekon I could even veg for like 2-3 weeks then flower? Or isnt it wide enough at all? The strain is either lavender or silver haze(nirvana didnt tell me which one it is of the two, coz they were...
  4. stilltokin

    my cabinet set up (good pics)

    hey ppl, well this is my cabinet set up. I know its not very good but Im a bit restricted to money and space. I started this grow two days ago and started straight away with 12/12. I am doing 12/12 because im restricted to width as you might see. I am not at all restricted to height (in one of...
  5. stilltokin

    keeping your plants tiny

    na i can't. I know it sucks, I just have to wait till I live by myself
  6. stilltokin

    keeping your plants tiny

    ok thanks, so how many days should I veg them for? Its only two days old. But you rekon its possible to actually grow buds in such a small space?
  7. stilltokin

    keeping your plants tiny

    ok here it goes. I am very limited to space so I have to grow in a 30 cm high and 20cm wide bucket. I have three cfl's which put out 6500K each and they are 15watt. I will also get a small computer fan tommorow. (the plant is only a cm high and two days old)) I wanted to know if its possible to...
  8. stilltokin

    first grow and need help with lights

    ok thanks, will check k number now
  9. stilltokin

    first grow and need help with lights

    hey the cfls are cool white and are either 26 or 27 watt, cant remember. Its my first grow but u rekon I need different lights to flower? And also how many days do you veg for until flower? Thanks heaps for your help
  10. stilltokin

    first grow and need help with lights

    Hey everyone, hows everyone going? Well this question will sound very inexperienced but here to learn lol:mrgreen: alright could someone please tell me how long the lights have to be on for the life cycle so do it like this: veg:.... flower:..... and so on... like how many hours on and...
  11. stilltokin

    strains that are found in australia

    hey man, im from OZ too. yea i rekon here in australia no1 really knows what a strain is (ppl from OZ dont get angry). Everyone I know thinks theres just one plant. This might just be in our city though. Anyway take care, Peace:joint:
  12. stilltokin

    yates fertiliser

    Hey Ighthy thanks for the reply but i was asking if theres any fertilisers that kill weeds (meaning it would kill my plant you know?) so does any1 know if there is such a thing? peace:joint:
  13. stilltokin

    yates fertiliser

    hey ppl hows it going, well I picked up a fertiliser today which looked pretty good but Im just worried if theres any fertilisers that have weed killing agents in it? Im just curious and heres the link to the fertiliser: Thrive Concentrate All Purpose Plant Food - Yates tell me if uve used and...
  14. stilltokin

    my baby plants(are they still stretching?)

    hey ppl, thanks for replies, lol but I never said I started the seed in the big pot, the seed was in a small plastic cup for germinating and when it started to get the 4 small leaves the plant was transplanted into the pot. And these plants will go outside in the next week:mrgreen: so wish me...
  15. stilltokin

    my baby plants(are they still stretching?)

    come on ppl....surely theres some1 out there that is experienced enough.... please
  16. stilltokin

    my baby plants(are they still stretching?)

    hey ppl, heres some pics of one of my plants. Could you tell me if its stretching and if that pot is bid enough for its entire life? p.s the pot is in my frog tank:mrgreen: Peace:blsmoke: oh yea and ive got 4 more and there all going outdoors tommorow(out in the bush)
  17. stilltokin


    hey, just a question say I would order some seeds from seeboutique, what country would they ship em from, UK or The Netherlands? peace
  18. stilltokin

    pics of fresh plants

    and heres my setup currently
  19. stilltokin

    pics of fresh plants

    alright sweet guys thanks for the tips, so if i would plant these babies outside now, u reckon theyd survive (its winter here in australia but its never all that cold just windy) peace
  20. stilltokin

    pics of fresh plants

    alright should I move the lichts closer or further away? :confused: