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  1. stilltokin

    wanna get an hps light (but might be too big)

    yea but I got a good fan. Do u rekon heat is still an issue with hps?? Whats the lowest amount of wattage from an Hps? Is it 250watts? peace:peace:
  2. stilltokin


    But dont give it fertiliser if its only a few days old.
  3. stilltokin


    Id give it something like superthrive fertiliser. That always gets em threw tough days. Hope i could help, Peace:peace:
  4. stilltokin

    wanna get an hps light (but might be too big)

    until now ive been growing with cfl's. they are pretty good too, but I wanna get something really good. Peace:peace:
  5. stilltokin

    wanna get an hps light (but might be too big)

    hey everyone, I really wanna get an HPS light. My closet is by far tall enough and also length wise good(like from left to right lol). But from the back of the closet to the door of the closet its only 37cm. Is that big enough for some kind of hps light. Or are all of em huge? Im looking at...
  6. stilltokin

    Grow kits?

    Ive heard of all those products. They are often used by people on this site. So if I had the money Id buy one of those sets. Peace:peace:
  7. stilltokin

    Grow kits?

    I havent tried it, but it looks really good and proffesionall, Try it, order it! Peace:peace:
  8. stilltokin

    Simple, Right? Or No?

    na dont put em into 36hr dark now. I rekon it will really stress out the plants and all your hard work would have gone down the drain. Just wait another couple of days and you'll see. Peace:peace:
  9. stilltokin

    Indoor use of Ladybugs?

    I personally would not try it, but it would be great if you would try it so we can see what happens :mrgreen:. Have a good one, Peace:peace:
  10. stilltokin

    New Type Of Yellow Leaf

    hey man, lol sorry bout this but I dont really know either. I rekon they could just be falling off cause your plant is growing bigger and taller. But some expert advice on this would be great wouldnt it..... Anyway have a good day Peace:peace:
  11. stilltokin


    lol thatd be so gross. U could probs make hash from those things like leaves and shit. But don't smoke em all at once....:joint: Anyway have a good day Peace:peace:
  12. stilltokin

    Cannabis-like Plant

    hey man, bagseeds are seeds you get sometimes when you buy some weed or i think u can also just buy seeds of ure dealer. But ive never done this just straight to the good ones, lol. Yea u got a good strategy going there with ure rents and stuff. Peace and good luck on ure grow!:peace:
  13. stilltokin

    Trainwreck, hawaiian snow, AUH#2 COCO 1st week.

    Far out, very beautiful plants. let us know how they smoke ok? Peace
  14. stilltokin

    Day 57 Flowering

    yea hold on for a bit longer, trust me we all know how hard it is:mrgreen:. Hope youll enjoy that bud! Peace
  15. stilltokin

    my cabinet set up (good pics)

    yea lol thanks for that ganjagoddess(I learn something new everyday). Ive still got that one on 12/12 from seed with three cfl's and its lookin pretty healthy. Ill show u how it turns out ok? Peace
  16. stilltokin

    Another CFL Closet Newb xD

    yea probably about 14 days (flowering) for them to show sex. Males will often show earlier than females too. Good luck on your grow Peace:peace:
  17. stilltokin

    crossing fingers for 1st "cfl grow"

    hey man, looking real nice. their nice and bushy. Im also on my first cfl grow and im going 12/12 from seed. So good luck to you(and me lol) peace:peace:
  18. stilltokin

    cfl scrog

    hey, I wanted to do a cfl scrog once, but heard cfl's are shit for it. I donno, maybe ill try it peace:peace:
  19. stilltokin

    CFL grow with PICS.

    Hey man, nice plant. Its got a nice fat stem. Im also vegging with three cfl's. lol arent they great....? Peace:peace:
  20. stilltokin

    New CFL Grow - PICS UP!

    hey, yea i rekon, cfl's are mad. Anyway afghani is a great plant to grow. Its very tough Peace:peace: