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  1. stilltokin

    pics of fresh plants

    hey guys, just showing u guys my plants feel free to comment good/or bad
  2. stilltokin

    wattage question

    guys...? could sum1 please help me...:confused:
  3. stilltokin

    wattage question

    lol...its a light bulb
  4. stilltokin

    wattage question

    oh and I have to make a choice between the two globes, I can only use one...
  5. stilltokin

    wattage question

    hey guys hows it going, ive got about 8 seedling growing under my desk and I wanted to know what the wattage of the globe should be. Ive got a 40 watt and a 75 watt globe and the plants are about 7cm away from the light. The 75watt globe puts out a better light but gets hot quickly and im scared...
  6. stilltokin

    Outdoor question

    yea sweet, and by the way for all the aussies obviously Im planting outdoors now( in winter ) so ill let you know how the grow goes. lol ive never grown in winter but its not that bad here in OZ as its never too cold(just worried about the constant rain at the moment). Peace
  7. stilltokin

    Outdoor question

    hey guys glad to see some ozzies on here, yea I live about 700 meters from my secret place so its a bit of a trek carriing big pots there and up the trees, dont you think just planting em in the ground would be alright?
  8. stilltokin

    Outdoor question

    hey man im from sydney what about you? These people arent clearing forests there just volunteered people to clean up the place a bit. But I havent seen any people in there for a while... so yea and that sorta is my only option to plant. So watd u reckon, pot or ground? Peace:blsmoke: and also...
  9. stilltokin

    Outdoor question

    hey guys hows it going, heres my question: Alright I live in Australia and Im gonna plant outdoors. The forest im gonna plant the eight plants in is not exactly the safest thing (theres weird people sometimes almost rarely cleaning up like weeds lol yes Weeds) so I don't know if i should plant...
  10. stilltokin

    question for planting

    yea they look good but they dont deliver to Australia :evil:
  11. stilltokin

    question for planting

    alright thats cool, have you ever ordered from seed boutique? And if anyone has how long did it take? Are they reliable? Peace
  12. stilltokin

    question for planting

    alright ok sweet, yea just received an order from Nirvana took 14 days, which is pretty good, although seeds where all a bit small, do u guys think this will make a difference in the plants? Peace
  13. stilltokin

    question for planting

    Hey guys, just a quick question. As Im new to growing I do not know how to do this: When the seeds have germinated and the white plant comes out, do you plant the white plant(which I think is the root) into the soil or the seed into the soil, which way? lol this question proably sounds stupid...
  14. stilltokin


    hey, I live in Australia... there pretty strict about weed here:roll:
  15. stilltokin


    Hey guys hows it going, alright ive ordered seeds and they sent em out three weeks ago. Well there not here. Should I worry or not? And also when I ordered I didnt ask for stealth shipping ( I totally forgot about it). So could this cause them not to send em stealthy? Answers would be...
  16. stilltokin

    A bit worried

    come on is anyone there? Please help me out... Peace
  17. stilltokin

    Nirvana's stealth

    ok just one more question, when I ordered the seeds, I did not ask for stealth shipment. Can this cause a problem? Peace
  18. stilltokin

    A bit worried

    hey guys, just bought some seeds off nirvana. I paid for the seeds and they shipped em off. I didnt ask for stealth shipping though. What do you think there gonna do know? R they gonna ship stealth or just normal? Id appreciate an answer, peace
  19. stilltokin

    Nirvana's stealth

    ok sweet, could you please gimme the link to the forum with the pics of the stealth. Thanks, cya
  20. stilltokin

    Nirvana's stealth

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if any of you guys know what Nirvana's stealth is like. Is it good? Ive heard it wasn't. I live all the way in australia. Anyone ordered seeds to Australia? Thanks guys, cya