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  1. J

    Oops on global warming

    ??? Please provide link where "they were exonerated"
  2. J

    Oops on global warming

    I would say that every conservative I know is a environmentalist, you can tell by the way they act and live. I also know a lot of liberals who claim to be environmentalist and demand that we change our way of life to protect the environment. But I would sugest you watch their actions rather...
  3. J

    Oops on global warming

    Why is the divide right down conservative/progressive lines? Is it because conservatives want children and uncle bucks grandmother to die?
  4. J

    Oops on global warming

    Interesting, that is my argument against globul warming. What's more interesting is when I was in school in the late 70s, they told us man was causing cooling that would result in a ice age. That was the conclusion of 10s of thousands of scientist back then. Were they right then or now?
  5. J

    Oops on global warming

    This global warming stuff has me concerned, it's like a 2 degree average change over 100 years. If you project that out over the next 1,000 years that's like a 20 degree average temperature increase. That got me thinking that maybe it was being caused by something else, like the earth's...
  6. J

    Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too

    And I gave you a perfect example of a great nation, you never mentioned that it had to be current. Then you proceeded to whine about how unfair it was and then related it to yourself and your family. I may have unloaded on you a bit, but I've read some of your other post on other threads and...
  7. J

    Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too

    I know, it's all Bush's and Reagan's fault, poor you. You can blame everyone and your brother for your lot in life, but the truth is that it is your own doing. I've got you pegged, how many times have you said “that's not my job”, or bitched about a co-worker working too hard...
  8. J

    Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too

    Well I'm sorry your, or her, life has resulted in utter failure. But that does not give you the right to pull the rest of us down with you. If you are looking for a handout, I only help people that help themselves. Life is a journey and you make your own choices in life, some good some bad...
  9. J

    Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too

    Maybe you should be the one taking care of your grandmother rather than whining that someone else should do it.
  10. J

    Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too

    You seem to have an adverse reaction to anything that resembles hard work, obviously you are liberal. But you also like to blindly hold American history up to the standards of the present day. All the while ignoring the history of leftest leaders from world history, think stalin and hitler...
  11. J

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus has a Plan too!

    Well, you may have a point. Some corporations make targeted donations to certain politicians and do get special treatment. For example, look at GE and GM.
  12. J

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus has a Plan too!

    No, what happens is the corporations do pass the cost on to the consumers. The consumers want to buy the least expensive products, which turns out to be a product from china. You see, when you raise taxes on American companies you actually end up subsidizing imports. It's a vicious cycle and...
  13. J

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus has a Plan too!

    How do you pay for a single payer plan if it is optional? Oh that's right, you forcefully take money from non-participants to pay for your optional plan. The only roll for govenment in health care is to prosecute negligence and malice, period. Otherwise you end-up with a system where the...
  14. J

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus has a Plan too!

    I'm on board with that, I think the current income tax is a obvious violation of the 4th amendment. The government has no business knowing how much I make or how much I am worth. It is unreasonable search and seizure. The fact that the IRS has the power to confiscate everything you have on a...
  15. J

    Our Government Sucks Ass

    I guess I missed my reference to fox news, as far as I'm concerned all the cable, network and all msm in general is targeted propaganda. But I get your petty point, that if I am not a liberal I must be brain washed. That probably makes your point in your pathetic dependent mindset.
  16. J

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus has a Plan too!

    Single payer option? While that may be fine for you, I prefer to make my own medical decisions and pay my own bills. If you want someone else to pay your medical bills at least have the balls to say what you mean. When you ask for help or a handout and someone gives it to you, it's called...
  17. J

    Our Government Sucks Ass

    Unfortunately, those who lived beyond their means are the majority of voters in this country. They will always vote to confiscate the wealth of others under the guise of "it's for the children", all the while completely ruining the futures of said children. Personally, I blame the media and...
  18. J

    Running for President

    Amen brother!
  19. J

    Our Government Sucks Ass

    That's exactly right. And all of us that have gone without through the years to scrimp and save a few bucks to secure some semblance of a financially secure future will be the ones who get screwed. That is what happens when you let the government pick the winners and the looser. The ones that...
  20. J

    Our Government Sucks Ass

    So you say we are not free? But then suggest we would be freer if the government regulated big business and got rid of wall street big cats, I assume you mean have the government show-up in the middle of the night and take them away from their families. I guess I would have to agree with...