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  1. J

    OOPs! I left my lights on 22 hours 1 week into flowering

    Well bummer, all three are males. I don't think it was the screw-up in the light cycle because the little balls were already there before that. I just couldn't tell the sex at that point. All three plants look very healthy and are short bushy plants with no damage or color variation in the...
  2. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    So the TEA Party platform is for a caste system? You mean like one were there is one medical system for the ruling class and an inferior one for the peons that pay the bills? Or one in which all of us lessor citizens are forced to participate in a ponzi scheme retirement plan while the ruling...
  3. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Ignorant huh flyboy? At least I can read a sentence and comprehend it. Really? "you" was a reference to the straw man you put up. That would be the death of the Teabaggers right there. You liberals and your gay slurs, where's the tolerance?
  4. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Spoken like a true communist. Show me in the Constitution where the government is tasked with beefing up the bottom line or guaranteeing employment to anybody.
  5. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Wow! I'm just dazzled by your brilliance.
  6. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Please look up the term empires and enlighten me how that applies to America. Unless you are suggesting that obumber is our single supreme ruler, then no explanation is needed.
  7. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Ya, that's it. It has nothing to do with the massive expansion of government or the multi trillion dollar budgets or the divisive class and racial warfare he is waging in this country. And I'm sure it was not his injecting himself into the private sector by yanking proprty from stock holders...
  8. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    A wise man once said something like "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it". You have clearly lost any sense of history. Oh, and don't think that insult to FOX news when't unnoticed, I'm crushed!
  9. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Man, you really are naive.
  10. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    If your worried about vengeful sons and grandsons of highly populated 3rd work countries, let me leave you with this thought. One day we will actually come up with a workable alternative energy source and we will not need all that middle estern oil. What do you think those sons and grandsons...
  11. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Ya, save 4.5 trillion dollars over ten years if you gut the military, Current budget deficit is only 1.6 trillion for a single year. At the end of ten years we'll only be a total of 25 trillion in debt. Your right, liberal logic always confuses me.
  12. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Fools, they never stop to think what this world would look like if American didn't have the most powerfull military machine.
  13. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    As a Marine, I will tell you this. You sir are full of shit and act more entitled than anyone ive ever met. That unemployed Marine did contribute, I guarantee a lot more than your pompous entitled ass ever has or probably will. You have surpassed Rick White on the idiot meter, congrats dude...
  14. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Well I'm up for any step in the right direction and the F.A.I.R. tax plan would certainly be a giant leap.
  15. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    That is where we part company. No one should be getting a check from the government unless it is in exchange for service. I agree that there are people that need charity, but they should be getting charity not government handouts. It is not the governments place to force charity and it only...
  16. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    I mostly avoid the political forum at this web site because I can not tolerate the ignorance of 95% of the post I read. But every now and then I run across a post like this and my hopes are renewed. Very wise words.
  17. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    You stop contributing, you stop voting. You start contributing, you start voting. PERIOD.
  18. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Typical liberal BS, A soldiers pay is not welfare.
  19. J

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Lets see, the top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of total income taxes collected. Bottom 50% of wage earners pay less then 3% of total income taxes collected. Source IRS for year 2008, the latest data available. Now you tell me who is and is not paying their fair share. We need to go back to...
  20. J

    OOPs! I left my lights on 22 hours 1 week into flowering

    Although the plants are all very similar, I have them ranked 1 to 3. After I know the sex I'll know which one I'll keep.