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  1. J

    OOPs! I left my lights on 22 hours 1 week into flowering

    Thanks for the reply. I have digital timers, but I had to replace the vent fan last night due to extreme stinkyness. I must have bumped the manual on then. This is a stealth grow that not even my wife knows about. If I loose this grow, no huge deal as it was a trial run. I plan on planting...
  2. J

    OOPs! I left my lights on 22 hours 1 week into flowering

    As the title says, I accidentally left my lights on for 22 hours during flowereing. What is the best way to recover. Should I just resume the normal 12 on 12 off on schedule. Or should I leave the lights of 26 hours first and then resume the normal schedule? They are just starting to show...
  3. J

    This is PBS

    I'm good with that, I found Rush's shilling for government motors especially annoying. However I suspect your offer is empty. I believe you would scream bloody murder if the government was sponsering an obviously right wing program with your tax dollars without a counter balanced program.
  4. J

    Wisconsin Is Not The Only State Where Workers Are Under Attack.

    What about the rights of tax payers? These are public sector unions that donate huge amounts of time and money to get certain people elected that will give back to unions what ever they want to stay in office. Can you not see the inherent conflict of interest here? Public sector employees...
  5. J

    This is PBS

    Well if your ok with funding PBS then you should be fine funding the EIB network, right? I suspect what you actually mean is that you are ok funding opinion TV, as long as you agree with the opinion. Quality content is a very subjective thing and I sure as hell don't agree with your definition...
  6. J

    Wisconsin Revolt

    I quite agree, lets eliminate all tax credits. Better yet, let go to a flat tax. And while your at it, let's limit voter rolls to people that actually contribute. Now that would be real social justice.
  7. J

    Wisconsin Revolt

    See, we can find common ground!
  8. J

    Wisconsin Revolt

    You are aware that you can send a donation directly to the IRS. I'm sure if you truly "wish i was paying income taxes", the IRS would be glad to take your money. I'll even help you get started, go to
  9. J

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Will you be paying income tax on your business venture, or do you just expect your neighbors to pay your share? Why is it that those that want income taxes increased on everyone else, always seem to find a way to avoid paying taxes them selves? See the obama administration for examples of tax...
  10. J

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Liberal arts degree? You my friend are a seriously jaded individual.
  11. J

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Ahh, the old push poll tactic. First off the people of Wisconsin elected the Governor to do just what he is doing. You equate the people with the unions, which is a flat out miss representation of the facts. Ask your self if the liberal arts degree you have hanging on the wall represents an...
  12. J

    How To Spot A Conservative?

    In my experience, using your little scenario. I find that you can usually pick out the liberals because they are the ones who force people down and then stand around and say "someone should help that poor woman". Then, to add insult to injury, blames the conservative that actually helps her...
  13. J


    As anyone tried a complete grow with Lucas Formula using only Maxibloom dry? Pardon me if this question has already been answered, I'm only on page 68 of this tread. Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics Dry Nutrients (Maxibloom) MaxiBloom and MaxiGro are dry nutrient also from...
  14. J

    Question on Nirvana the Breeder vs. Nirvana online seeds,are they one in the same?

    I now have seeds from both places, ya they are the same. Interestingly, Attitude sends them in the breeder's packaging, Nirvana does not. If I ever by seeds again it will be from Attitude, much better experience. And Nirvana could sure learn a thing or two about stealth shipping from...
  15. J

    Stay away from

    I got sucked in to, it was a convincing scam. I wished I had saw this thread before I ordered on the 25th. My money will be tied up for weeks before I get it back, but at least I'll get it back thanks to paypal and plastic.
  16. J

    Question on Nirvana the Breeder vs. Nirvana online seeds,are they one in the same?

    More specifically, Nirvana White Rhino as sold from Attitude vs White Rhino sold at Are they the same? Jo
  17. J

    Question on Nirvana the Breeder vs. Nirvana online seeds,are they one in the same?

    Title says it all, is Nirvana online seed ordering website the same as Nirvana the breeder? Thanks in advance, JoSixChip