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  1. D

    too much rain.... what to do?

    hey whats goin on everybody, so it's been raining quite a bit here these past few day and a full week of this shit to go, what can i do to protect my babies? i've done all i can as far as mounding soil around them so the water does not pool up around them but im still worried that its just way...
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    transplant shock, please help....

    it has been at a stand still for 2 weeks now, has not grown a bit, but on the other hand, is not dying either
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    transplant shock, please help....

    they have been outside since about the first of may(ish), there are def. no bug or pests, a couple ants here and there but nothin to be alarmed about, the get full direct sun from about 8am until 2pm, then it becomes slightly filtered by the balasters on my deck, until about 5 ish when the sun...
  4. D

    transplant shock, please help....

    het all, i recently transplanted one of my plants, they r outdoors in the ground from day 1, the day i moved it it instantly just fell over and looked almost dead, within a couple days it stood back up, the leaves all curled up and the bottom one died. i was wondering if it will come back and...
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    HELP!!! piff leaves truning brown n bending

    the only thing i have heard coffee is good for is to keep ants away.
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    how does she look?

    if left alone they will hollow out the main stem and eat the roots they nibble the leaves wich i dont care about, it would take them all season to destroy it that way, but eating the stem and the roots is a prob. ive hear coffee grounds work real well, but im scared as to what else the coffee...
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    Is this a male?

    put a trash bag over it carefuly as to not knock around pollen and possibly inseminate ur others and chop the fucker down, punch it in the cockhole first thing when it is away from the others
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    my first outdoor, what do ya think

    i still dont know, there is still no clear sign, i was told that i wouldnt know until about the end of july or so, but i dont know how accurate that is either, i live in the midwest in a city thay is known for its changing wheather, they say if u dont like the weather here wait 5 minutes, so...
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    how does she look?

    i honestly have just been lucky, i am growing in my back yard, in a fairly populated nieghborhood, so other that a few coons and an oppossum or two and neighborhood cats i dont have to worry about the deer or anything really harmfull. when they were comin up as seedlings until about a week ago...
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    how does she look?

    im not sure what starin it is, it was a mystery seed from some kb and i thought id see how it goes before i spend money on good seeds. this is my first grow and i was just wondering what everyone thinks. there were more but something ran off with them as seedlings, they have been in the ground...
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    my first outdoor, what do ya think

    hey this is my first outdoor grow, i just wanted to hear what everyone thinks, i had more but i didnt protect them and a bird or something ran of with them in the middle of the night and early morn. does it look healthy and good to you? please let me know what you think, it is a mystery seed...
  12. D

    nodes, what are true nodes?

    thanks for clearing that up for me, now is there any particular time of day i should top? i am growing outdoors in the ground, i.e. evening after the sun goes down or in the morn so it has the all day sun to help regrow asap.
  13. D

    wanting to top today

    im wanting to top or fim my plant, what are true nodes? are they considered to start at the first sets of 7 leaves or at the bottom with the first sets of 3, or in the middle at the 5's? i just want to get it right. i apprieciate any info thanks you guys.
  14. D

    nodes, what are true nodes?

    are true nodes considered to be the the first sets of 7 leaves or would it be from the very bottom sets of 3 or in the middle at the 5's? im just wondering, i am topping my plant today hopefully and i just want to get it in the right spot, thank you for any info and thanks for reading
  15. D

    when should my babies start to flower?

    my plants are outside in my yard, they have been there from day one in prepared soil, they were put there the end of april, maybe first week of may dont remember, they are gettin fed as of now, and they look pretty good from what i can see, ice lush green perky and strong and have a strong...
  16. D

    sexing outside

    since i am growing outside and i cant do anything about nature and the course of the sun, how do i sex my plants? will they do it naturaly? if so, when will they do it? thanks for reading.
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    how often do i feed my babies?

    they are in the ground, i planted the seeds directly into the prepared soil i have around my floating deck in my backyard, they have been in the ground since the very end of april, they are right around 20 in tall i trimmed the first sets of leaves after the first couple sets of fives were a few...
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    how often do i feed my babies?

    i am growing first time outside, how often do i need to feed, and fertilize my plants? thank you for reading, thanks for any info. also, i have good fertilizers for vegging and flowering, but what should i feed them if anything?
  19. D

    outdoor plants sag in the evening

    thanks thats what i was hoping since right before the sun comes up everyday they perk right back up. thanks for reading
  20. D

    outdoor plants sag in the evening

    this is my first time growing outside, is it normal for my plants to droop dowm and sag a little in the evening after the sun goes down? are they not getting enough food and or fertilizer? any info would be greatly appreiciated