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  1. D

    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    her stem is about 3 in thick, its pretty massive.
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    force flowering help

    hey all, im wanting to flower my babies, they are in the ground so moving them inside at night is out of the question, if i put a black bag over them to get 12/12, how long will i need to do it? will i have to continue it until the are ready to harvest to keep them from going back into veg? or...
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    Lowryder 2 indoor/ outdoor.

    go to home depot and get yourself one or two of them solar mole spikes, they are about 20 bucks 1 will clear 7500ft of yard, i used one in my yard, and i havent found a mole since, and i had them bad, i sat outside with a spade shovel every morning for 2 weeks and will flip them out when i seen...
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    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    my plant is getting way to tall, it is in my backyard and i dont realy have much to worry about but i got a feeling that by the time the baby flowers it gonna be pushin 10 ft. i just need to find a way stop it from getting taller i have already topped it once and i have 2 huge colas on her, 20...
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    A guy i know has solar light in his pots???

    to force flower outdoors you have to acualy take light away, you need to cover them in something light tight at nights to achieve 12/12, i can only guess that he is just doing it to give them some extra light through the nights, some people have told me that they do light cyclyes of 20/4 and ive...
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    What is the best way to......

    i didnt know you cant clone autos, i dont know much about them at all, sorry
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    What is the best way to......

    instead of wasting time and plants on males wy dont u just grow all females and take clones??? it seems to me that would be easier wouldn't it?
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    Veg inside flower outside

    the only thing u can do to force flower them that i know of is put a black trash bag over them in the evening or night depending on your sun so u can get the 12/12 , but i dont know many details about doing so, as far as how long u need to do it and when u stop using the bags will they go back...
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    Need Help! My freind is stuck on A High.

    pcp would have worn way off by now, and i dont care how good the meth is if it was just a few lines theres no way he would be high still, but his high if it is real, sounds like a meth high, u sure he's just not hoarding a huge stash and not telling anyone he is a tweaker now???
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    Veg inside flower outside

    i beg to differ, i am growig outside, they have been out since i put the seeds in the ground first week of may, and i am at least a month from flowering maybe more depending on nature and my yard smeels like someone ran over a skunk, so no, they definatly do smell when vegging
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    how to grow mj with thick sterm?

    thanks, i appreiciate it, its my first real grow, have tried a leats 5 time since i was 15 or so and u know how it is when your a kid, dont have what u need, live at home, just to many factors, never turns out well, now im 27 and have my own house with my own yard, the nieghbors have their...
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    my baby is growing up so fast, 20 inches in ten days

    hey all, here are a few pics from along our way so far, the first 4 are from june 13 she was at 35 inches before i did anything to it, the next 3 pics are from june 19 about 4-5 days after topping and she was pushin just a hair under 45 inches, and the last 4 are from today about 20 minutes ago...
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    how to grow mj with thick sterm?

    i forgot to mention, it has been standing up to some very strong wind gusts these past few weeks, im talkin well over 40mph at times, i was out side in the middle of the night while we were getting 5inches of rain in an hour with a mag light watching it bend down to the ground and stand right...
  14. D

    how to grow mj with thick sterm?

    i have mine outside, it it just over 8 weeks old and the stem is as thich as my thumb a good inch or so, it is right about 50" tall and was topped 2.5 weeks ago and thoes stems are now as big as my pinky so right about .5"thick
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    my first outdoor, what do ya think

    here is this weeks pics, the first is a pic where i topped it, 5 days ago. the other 2 are from this morn, the other 4 are from one week ago
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    Need advice! To top or not to top?

    i just topped mine a week ago and it is doing great, been in the ground since day one, i honestly think it is way too late for lst, that u need to do when it is only a few inches tall otherwise if u were to do it now you would most likely snap your main stem, and we all know that no bueno. here...
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    Sulfered Or Unsulfered, That Is The Question!!!!

    right on, thanks for the info. one more ?, should i wait until they acualy start to flower before i use this, or should i start it now?
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    I have some 2-3foot girls in 5gallons, will they last in the buckets till harvest?

    aawwwww damn, shit........ fuck..... i did it again, i just keep on preflowering. my girl hates it when i do that, but no really most of what i see people use is 5 gallon buckets, old construction buckets and what not, me personaly, i put mine in the ground from day one, i was wondering if i can...
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    Sulfered Or Unsulfered, That Is The Question!!!!

    so i picked up some mollasses yesterday, all i could find was pure UNsulfered blackstrap does it make a difference on wich i use? i have never used molasses on my plants before so this is a totaly new thing for me, and since they are outside, should i use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water? thanks...
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    too much rain.... what to do?

    good idea, but too obvious, i live in a suburban nieghborhood and im growing im my back yard, pretty openly not much cover except the 2in balasters on my floating deck, my only real protection from everyone is some trees surrounding my yard, and the fact that i live in the end of a culda-sac so...