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  1. G


    Iv been hearing alot about juicing the dank lately. Me my self, im to broke to invest that much nugget into juicing but would love to from people who have done this. How much nugget to get a good glass of juice? Hows the high? Do you use the whole plant or just the nugs? Hows it tast?
  2. G

    What Was Your First Strain...?

    Mexican brick weed in a 10 gallon pot half way full of rock getting pissed on daily by three dogs for its whole veg cycle till we found out it was female and that bad boy was huge nuggets the size of your forarm called it dog piss.... But for a seed from brick weed that plant was one of the more...
  3. G

    Juicy fruit

    Where can i get some good juicyfruit seeds??
  4. G


    whats the word on the DUCH PASSION ORIGINAL BLUEBERRY??
  5. G


    whats the word on the DNA GENETICS CHOCOLOPE!!
  6. G


    My media bed on top of my sump tank with my tilapia... Just harvested but got a few seed In there, no fryable tilapia today mayb tomarow!
  7. G

    customs ?

    2 questions 1) did yall use your real names when ordering 2)did you pay with a bank card linked directly to you, or did u us one of the walmart cards??? becaus this just seems iffy to me but i gotta get some good seeds im just about out!!
  8. G


    AQUAPONICS- The combination of aquaculter and hydroponics!! For most people when they here the word AQUAPONICS they think of growing fruits and veggies in sync with edible fish via recycling wastwater from fish, But for me i herd a new way to grow my med. I have 60 gold nile tilapia in a 100...