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  1. tyson53

    What is the easiest to grow and most yielding strain?

    If you have the room...I would do a c99 ...easy to grow..big producer..great buzz...thing is it can grow tall and wide..but its trainable ....
  2. tyson53

    What Kind of Seaweed Extract/Kelp Do You Use?

    I have used lots of different kelp extracts..the one that worked the best was Neptune Seaweed liquid...not over priced and works great...and their fish an seaweed fert is great also..its used to grow world record pumkins....I use it to germ seeds..clones...foliar spray ...teas..(also the kelp...
  3. tyson53

    amnesia haze 2/half weeks in flower qs?

    I dont use PK boosters...I just use my fert and add a little more kelp and more silica..just keep it simple...Oh I do use earth juice sugar peak gran finale last 3-4 weeks also.... I use the silica cause I grow outdoors and does help to prevent mold....outside amnesia will mold due to dense...
  4. tyson53

    amnesia haze 2/half weeks in flower qs?

    I grew the amnesia last year....they do drink alot and loved food....mine was a 10 weeker..but worth the wait...some heavy stone with it....nice plump buds sticky as hell...she loved fish emulsion with kelp...grew like crazy...big producer outside..never grew indoors...but it starts to realy...
  5. tyson53

    Who Ordered Seeds Recently?

    I just ordered last week from the tude...being delivered today..not bad 8 days.....cant wait..I got some Elemental True OG and a Blue OG and a few others to play with like the shoreline...and few others.....
  6. tyson53

    day 25 gdp

    yes it's yum..I did some outside and came out purple but thats fine...taste wicked good and great stone..mine went close to 9 weeks outside before ripe...smells like berry...and was nice hard buds good luck and enjoy it....
  7. tyson53

    FS C99 Flowering Time

    I have grown C99 for a few years..outside...I average close to 2lbs a grows like a monster...wide and tall....I first grew Bros grimms then when no longer around I grew female seed strain..they are so close its not funny...FS c99 grows likw twins ..all look an taste the...
  8. tyson53

    Thanksgiving: Love it? Hate it? (poll)

    to me its more of a family gathering...was nice as a kid but as you get older its just a average day with food...and lots of I dont do a turkey since its just a few people i do Prime rib and lobsters...dont care for turkey..dirty people eat and then head...
  9. tyson53

    Why do some buds have no smell? (Tea smell)

    if the plant was matured when cut ..most likely it was not cured correctly...burped daily or even twice a will get a tea or hay smell....when i cure I open my jars or buckets for an hour or so twice a day..the chloraphyl gases off per say as it ages and cures...if not allowed to escape...
  10. tyson53

    Bud Rot?!

    I am going to say you have budrot...the leaves are a tell tale sign...they will turn brownish and the center of the bud will have the rot close to the stem...bend the bud back a little to look inside the bud...see if the stem is gray or brownish....if it is cut the rotted plant matter out and...
  11. tyson53

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    TWS...I am sorry for your loss...I have been through it a few times and it never gets easy....but Babes will be at Peace and no more pain...the good thing is..we will all be together on the next part of our journey...the ever lasting togetherness... RIP Babes..may you be waiting at the bridge...
  12. tyson53

    Strain advice?

    I agree hyroot...the hammer will knock your dick in the dirt...I will be doing the Quantum next year outside...but the hammer is no joke..just so you know..I am 62 and growing for 41 son and his friends love the hammer BUT wont smoke it every time offered..they get to stoned on...
  13. tyson53

    Female C99 - ready to harvest?

    you can do a second harvest..take whats plump and smokable now..let the others fill out more.... when I cut my cindy down about 3 weeks ago..I left some small buds on the 3 weeks later they usable buds for hash or oil...I mean they were small..size of a cashew they...
  14. tyson53

    Female C99 - ready to harvest?

    C99 is one of my favorites...there are 2 phenos I know of...a grapefruit one and a pineapple one...C99 is one of the few you really need to check trics to see ripeness..I had a pineapple and a grapefruit pheno this year...the grapefruit finishes early..around 56 days..the pineapple can go to 65...
  15. tyson53

    TGA By Others

    I grew the hammer this year outdoors..must say its a crazy got 2 females and 1 male out 3 planted...1 fem took 6 1/2 weeks and was fully matured..20% amber..the other fem took 8 weeks to mature...funny thing is they both looked alike and smelled alike..this is a no fool around...
  16. tyson53

    Is it possible to root clones with no powder/gel

    I use root riot cubes with no powders or gels..I just use Kelp/water mix...I place cubes in a tray and water with kelp extract..been working for a few years now..roots accelerator work well also...misting the clones with a kelp mix helps also..I have seen where some even use superthrive to root...
  17. tyson53

    What does wind burn look like?

    the wind burn plants in my greenhouse from fans have brown edged leaves...its the ones right in front of the fans...
  18. tyson53

    West coast vs. East coast... Seed Snatch Report (S.S.R)

    This stuff should not be posted....why wake a sleeping giant and direct them to thier faults...
  19. tyson53

    Silica, worth it???

    silica is a great add to strengthens cell walls in leaves helping to prevent mold and insect damage....also helps strengthen plants structure...last year i used pro tek weekly in a watering....had some mold..this year I used watering and foliar weekly and had way less mold on the...
  20. tyson53

    transplanting into tga super soil

    you dont need that many transplants....i go from cup into final can fill pot with 3/4 super soil and top with the roots organic...dust your roots with myco powder when transplanting to your big pot...I water with liquid kelp at first ..great for root developement...if your water has...