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  1. tyson53

    Will rot spread after the cut ?

    i would cut the rot off at the grow site ...then bag it...the rot is loaded in spores ..what i do is make a mix of 50/50 water an peroxide ..spray the mold area and cut...then clean scissors and cut next area...give the spores the right conditions and it will spread like fire...ruin every thing...
  2. tyson53

    Butterfly Monsters

    its mostly the moths that are bad on the bud worms from a moth species..and the cabbage moth..a few not know of any butterfly species that have a bad rep on cannabis....
  3. tyson53

    Are all Rooting/Cloning Gels/Powders Created Equally?

    Thats how I clone also...I use root riot cubes same as rapid rooters...I just soak the cube in roots excelerator and put the cubes in a tray and put some of same solution in it on a heat mat...have a 99% success rate so far...most root in 7 or less days...some a bit longer...I germ seeds the...
  4. tyson53

    ice cold watering with soil

    cold water will slow growth..there was a big article in Maximun Yield on it...especialy during flowering...your 8 week strain may take longer to ripen.. i store water in a 55 gallon barrel during the summer..I use that to water...but when it gets colder than 57 degrees outside I use a heater in...
  5. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    in my state the LEO use the Air National Guard helicopters..a friend of mine is in the ANG and a chopper mechanc and he told me it cost 5-6000 a day to run the chopper...and said it went out twice this year for the DEA for pot search..once to scan the state and federal lands..and the other was...
  6. tyson53

    Lollipopping ( Any Scientific Evidence? )

    most bottom branches do not produce much to speak of...just takes energy away from the plant...its the weakest buds and more prone to rot..last yer when I had a small rot problem it was the lower popcorn buds that rotted first so I cut them all off....i am outside also..may differ indoors...they...
  7. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    glad all is good Happygirl....I have choppers fly over all the time..I dont thought VT had medical MJ..or is one of those screwy laws..can have MMJ but dont grow it even if no dispenseries
  8. tyson53

    Rippers came this morning

    I trim wet..I tried a few plants last year dry...I cut off most of the big stuff before hanging...once it was dry an sorta crispy leaves it was a pain and long process,,,I have a machine also for the smaller buds..all the big stuff gets hand trimmed...cant do dry trim in the does wet...
  9. tyson53

    Tga seeds low plant vigor

    i have grown AOS and 9 pound hammer this year and have to say they grew like crazy during veg and no hermies..I grow outside in a greenhouse or in 25 gal dirt pots...the TGA were in dirt pots..the GH is reserved for females only.....I plant in almost 100% compost ammended and a little pro...
  10. tyson53


    there is arsenic in alot of fertilizers....and cadium .. check out the fertilizers here some have up to 10% arsenic...even the organics have some..arsenic is a organic element..its even in the dirt in your lawn....I dont like it..but...
  11. tyson53

    Additives for ph control

    I dout it....sun ripen fruits and veggies are way better....ever taste a greenhouse cardboard...the sun adds more to the fruits and veggies than the nutes...I have had a few GH veggies ..tomatoes..lettuce...peppers...and few others and nothing like a fresh outdoor garden one...
  12. tyson53

    How to use cal mag plus

    if your soil was ammended with dolomite lime you wont need cal mag in early stage of veg...I use a seperate mag and cal additive ..since you may lack only Mag or Cal...why over load with the one not lacking..can cause a lock out...use epsom salt for mag..peppers also love them up...
  13. tyson53

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Hey Jacbpdx if you spray your plant with silica once or twice a week you lessen mold intrusion...silica build strong plant cell walls on the leaves and makes it hard for mold to take root ...I have plants in Greenhouse and outside...I hit them twice a week with silica (pro-tek) and the outside...
  14. tyson53

    Floralicious Plus And Liquid Karma

    I am a firm believer in kelp...using it give a nice healthy plant with great growth and tight node spacing...I buy 50 pound bags of kelp to ammend my soil..and also gallons of Neptune kelp...when I water with no nutes....I add kelp to the water,,,,and when making teas I add kelp meal....I spray...
  15. tyson53

    Checking Tri-Chromes with 60x Mag, help

    yes cut a small sugar leaf and place on a black back ground and light it up with a flashlight and check tric progress with loupe...I also got a app for my phone..its a great wicked zoom on it..and you can take a pic of it and look at it
  16. tyson53

    bogs sour strawberry and green crack outdoor

    Tanner....did you try BT worm and catapillar killer to rid of the works good...wont effect the buds either...worm shit will cause mold so stop the a leaf blower and try to blow off most of the shit on the plants...will blow off some worms also...I have a small...
  17. tyson53

    Additives for ph control

    I buy 50# bags of crushed oyster shells at Tractor Supply....and ammend my soil with it....I also add it to my old soil pile composting for next year... and for PH up or down... I use citric acid for down...its used to make pickels..its food grade...same stuff that makes them soft candies...
  18. tyson53

    Rippers came this morning

    get your self some Driveway alarm motion detectors and cover your area with them...thats what I use...I have them around the area and in the money will go off on a animal like a rabbit..but who cares its doing its job...I have 8 of my green house and the...
  19. tyson53

    Cinderella 99/C99: Who does it best?

    the Cindy is a must grow strain...outdoors its a beast...give it room to grow...its as wide as it is tall....the high is very work during lunch we would say..time to have a date with makes some nice BHO...and dry ice smell the terpenes real good...
  20. tyson53

    Where did you have sex for the first time?

    First time I had sex was in a cemetary when i was 16...just had my drivers license for a few weeks..i was seeing this girl who was 17 soon to be 18.....I picked you a 3 finger bag..(dating my age) lol....went to this old cemetary and parked..smoked some weed...thing started getting heavy and...