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  1. tyson53

    Help!!! How do I stop my buds from molding!

    its better to have that than a bunch of mushy buds thats worthless...and what you have there looks good....and something to enjoy....congrats...
  2. tyson53

    Cinderella 99/C99: Who does it best?

    my first grow of c99 was Bros Grimms 2 females out a 5 pack..and also grew some Rosetta Stone...both were great..the C99 was a producer...huge buds and so wet looking in sugar..the Rosetta was a trippy weed ..but average producer... Any ways grimm stopped his wanted to try...
  3. tyson53

    Top strains you've tried and highly recommend, tried as in smoked you don't have to of grown it.

    I grew some anmesia haze a few years ago..think it was Soma' ripped me sideways...face melts...head it..only problem its a 12 weeker and was a battle to keep her going in harvests here in had to have a little heat in GH to keep frost off..but was...
  4. tyson53

    Dolomite Lime in lemon juice, will it work?

    I am going to try the Pina Colada one that way I dont have to smoke the buds..load a glass with buds..some ice and just sip them....
  5. tyson53

    Help!!! How do I stop my buds from molding!

    this year I upped my game..did lots of preventive ..more fans in greenhouse....spray walls with Physon 20 weekly...spray plants with silica twice a week in morning and water in once a week,,,,I set a pop up tent on the outdoor grow in garden and put a 38" industrial fan in it to blow on plants...
  6. tyson53

    Help!!! How do I stop my buds from molding!

    Mold is a can control to a point ..but never win....its like herpes...just what i do is daily walk the garden checking for mold...if any I cut it out...spray the area with a water /peroxide is suppose to oxidize the spores....then after cutting i clean...
  7. tyson53

    Replacement for Earth Worm Castings

    At first i was using a meat injector..took alot of time to do `16 plants outside...then I got a 2 gallon sprayer and took the spray nozzle off so all thats lest is the the shaft is longer so I can bottom it out and draw it up as I dispence it into the soil....lots of coverage...I...
  8. tyson53

    Replacement for Earth Worm Castings

    I inject the soil jut before transition...I use alot of tea during flowering......but I also dust the roots with myco before potting....
  9. tyson53

    Hanging entire plant vs. Individual stems/colas.

    I hang the branches....I trim them good then hang..when dried to likeing I cut buds and put in a 5 gallon bucket with a hygrometer....after 24 hours i check the humidity in there..if low I just add a piece of stem and check again in 12 hours..if to high take stem will even off soon...
  10. tyson53

    Replacement for Earth Worm Castings

    That is the best way to use Myco's....root inuculation....I dust the roots before potting them...during the later veg stage I mix a water and myco powder up and inject them in the root zone.... with dirt pots you can miss root zone..its packed in there...I just cut 1 plant and fter emptied the...
  11. tyson53

    how to ship 7 grams?

    just send it priority mail....seal it good...that mail goes fast thru the system cause its 48 hour parcel post is 7-9 days and it hangs around the facility a bit before processing so more change of it possibly stinking some...but they dont have sniffer dogs LOL.....just just the...
  12. tyson53

    TGA By Others

    some miticides are made from rosemary and mint oils...its also good for other insects also...I never seen bugs on my mints..rosemary or basils...or any of the herbs in garden to be truthful...they must not like the essential oils in them...
  13. tyson53

    Buds are forming in a weird way

    I had a plant do that about 30 years was a bag seed banks then...grew so screwy...never smoked it ..just let it grow...till frost got was like yours..the buds started branching...must have been one of those crazy mexican paraquat
  14. tyson53

    Boehner says unemployed ‘don’t really want’ jobs

    yes forgot that..sorry....thats the political way of unemployment...this goverment ruined this country ,,out to line thier pockets and drain ours....there are 2 classes now....the rich and the dying poor....they killed the middle class already...kicked them down to poor and unemployed
  15. tyson53

    TGA By Others

    I read an article called companion planting for cannabis a few years ago...talked about planting marigolds around plants..rosemary..basil...mints..crysanthamums and a few others..they keep bugs away..not a bad idea...let plants work for you....
  16. tyson53

    Boehner says unemployed ‘don’t really want’ jobs

    At one time this country was booming..we had so much manufacturing here...every one lived comfortable with in thier an pop stores were were making ends meet and surplus for the next year....welfare was low... then around the 80's shit hit the fan....CEO's got...
  17. tyson53


    best 2 products for mites are azasol and mighty wash..or nega wash..mega wash is a company by the inventor of the mighty wash...I got some and it seemed to work better..I called mega wash before I bought some and the chemist said they now use 18 frequencies in mega wash so it much more...
  18. tyson53

    Can i store my weed in the fridge?

    I store my jars in a wine fridge i bought just for keeps it at around 50 degrees...I vacuum seal my jars with a food saver can hold about 20 half gallon jars...I am still smoking some of last years harvest and its as good as the day I put it in there...I put some in the...
  19. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    yes any silica is good for the plants ..when sprayed on it does raise the PH of the leaf surface like greencure does..last I checked silica was around 8.9 ph in my spray bottle
  20. tyson53

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    sorry to hear about Molly....i hope the best for her...I know its tuff ..I have 3 dogs myself and one has a small tumor near hind leg...i been doing the same as you with RSO...and its been shrinking...and she is doing better....just have faith dogs are my world as Molly is yours...