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  1. tyson53

    Dolomite Lime in lemon juice, will it work?

    those flavor flushers wont flavor your bud...then try a banana one and coconut one and see if your buds taste like
  2. tyson53

    Just dropped a beer cap of B.H.O in my dog's water bowl .Fine or Fucked ?

    BHO is not soluable in the dog is
  3. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    water the actinovite better that goes into the plant cells...dont skimp on the pro tek either...that works well as a foliar to prevent mold...and also water it in
  4. tyson53

    Dolomite Lime in lemon juice, will it work?

    nothing is going to change the flavor of your plants but the plants them selves....and the lemon juice will fry your plants bad..its a PH of about 3....sugars will not be taken in by just feeds the soil....some carbos will be taken in since they are a small molecule...but sugar...
  5. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    actinovite is can water it in or spray it on..its a systemic fungus treatment...Greencure is good for PM..Copper is good for veg and first 2 weeks of flower at the can leave a taste in your bud if you use it late in flower..same with sulphur...but they are not a cure all...
  6. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    as soon as cut season is done and over...I am already prepping my greenhouse and outside areas for next year...cant wait till next growing me good outdoor bud tastes alot better than indoors..why i stopped growing indoors...only good thing with indoors you have more...
  7. tyson53

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    yes i told him chop it and just try to run hash from what you got..looked today at would not finish till strain i ever wonder a freebie...this strain needs real tropical weather....
  8. tyson53

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    My buddy has the free herbies growing outside...planted 6 seeds gat 2 females...they stretch like crazy...over 13 feet...but node spacing sucked..and its in 5th week of flower and buds are the size of will never finish here...this plant would have to go `12 weeks to be prime I...
  9. tyson53

    continous lockouts?

    i would flush a much cal mag you using and how much cal mag can lock out every thing...people use cal mag whem they only have a mag def and vice youe adding epsom saLTS ON TOP OF THE CAL MAG... I would also get a good flower nute ..something like FloraNova...
  10. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    if its sunny tomorrow will get pic gallery on my phone is strange freezes on me..but will try to get a shot....
  11. tyson53

    What is wrong with this bud ... Please help

    your plants look fine..the purple is nothing to be concerned over...a change in temps will cause it to purple or even the strain it self will have purple phenos in it...I have 4 plants now that are purple...glad you harvested looked ripe...check your trics under a scope to see how far...
  12. tyson53

    Whole plant turning yellow

    give it a drink of some mag..epsom salt and water...I had same issue and the Mag helped it...I thot it was N added a little more and seen it start to burn...I flushed good and did the Mag drink and worked out good....during flowering cannabis loves Mag... also pick off all the brown...
  13. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    try not to cut samples know its hard...whet happens when you cut one off it bleeds at the cut area and that alone can cause mold in that area....when I cut a sample i just put a small dab of tanglefoot at the wound area...keeps it no entry of any bacteria or disease...I...
  14. tyson53

    Attitude Seed Quality?

    some strains take a bit longer..some i had took 5 days....just be patient and see...keep the soil moist always...I use root cubes to start seeds...i soak them in water with roots accelerator and insert seed and place in a tray..put on a heat mat set at 72 degrees and with in 48 hours I have...
  15. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    it rained like crazy last night....i was at a party..when I got home I looked in the darden seen a few broken soaked tying them up....rained all night...this morn finished tying up some heavy branches...had to cut one broke and peeld down the stalk...covered the wound in...
  16. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    my nieghbor did the purple maroc..its a nice plant...its still going...but close...its nice and purple and smells great..cant wait to try it....another good early strain is the jamican dream..I have that going now...its close to mold...big producer...smells like spice,,,,patchuli...
  17. tyson53

    Maxsea is blowin' up....if you use in this thread.....

    TWC is correct..most water has calcium...whether it well water of municipal...why I just use a Mag your not overloading with Calc....very rare you see a clac def maybe with RO water..I use epsom salt for mag...using cal/mag for a mag def can overload your calc to much is as bad...
  18. tyson53

    Check out this MIDGET Tangerine Dream

    dont give it any nutes ....if any thing mix some liquid kelp and water helps alot build great root structure...and strong plant is the time to start developing a healthy plant..kelp will do it.. yes make sure you have drain holes in the cup....or you can end up with root...
  19. tyson53

    cold weather!

    the only problem with that is will condensate real bad inside and may create a mold issue...mine are in the same temps right now in New England...they will enjoy the day heat no problem...I been growing in this weather for 40 had to shake snow off a couple times....all was...
  20. tyson53

    dry Ph down

    I use citric lower PH..been working fine so far.....and for PH up I use potassium bicarbonate...