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  1. yamin

    Rusting leaves... pics

    yep the cloth idea wasnt all that good and with the cooler i can control humidity which was another concern
  2. yamin


    What hormone do you use? rootx power What temperature/conditions are the clones in? a transparent dome ( temp never bothered me).... i humidify the dome abt 5-7 times a day... 1- 25 w 6500k cfl 24/7.... What media do you plant the clones in? soil What is your success rate (~%) for clones...
  3. yamin

    need help

    detox pills an b on a liquid diet for a few days b4 the test.... worked for my frnd
  4. yamin

    Are you addicted to marijuana?

    im not addicted to mmj.... ive been smoking non stop for over 6 years..... not coz i have to its coz i want to..... on dry days i dont gt any withdraws.... im just bored those days
  5. yamin

    Germination/Propagation question

    1) ive never cared abt which side of a seed should b up or down.... they've always sprouted..... DO NOT DIG THEM UP... 2) just wait till the soil is dry b4 re-watering.... water slowely till all the soil is wet... water every 2-5 days depending how long it takes to dry the soil out.... p.s. ur...
  6. yamin

    First clones... 100% success.... Thanks RIU(pic)

    lol... yep marble.... its not expensive italian marble though.... just cheap killer looking marble
  7. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    thanks for the reply its been helping with my slppe for years an now cramp pains as well.... when it helps reduce the pain.... how can i even try say no.... never had a rubber malfunction before... the doc's given us all the birth control methods available..... joint with the pill ill gt her...
  8. yamin

    Rusting leaves... pics

    swamp cooler... i think thats my best bet thanks
  9. yamin

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    hey thanks a lot.... ans.... ive never smoked weed with cristals \tri's on them.... been seeing pics of some beautifull grow.... so i have the space... and i want to make sure that i gt a really good quality crop.... the temp in india is really high... ive already started gting heat burn on...
  10. yamin

    Rusting leaves... pics

    yep the temp is high 30c at noon sun... and it will only gt hotter... was planing on puting a green house cloth on topwhen the temp gts 40-45c..... is it to hot already??? but i gt 3 more out there an they all seem to b doing ok??? any ideas on how i can reduce the heat??
  11. yamin

    charas/hash vs cronic.... first grow (pic)

    the cops have gotten really hard now..... most of the cultivated weed has been cut over the the last few years.... but u will still find wild weed growing all over the country.... after all it is literally a weed isnt it.... by the way what is ur say comparing really well grown weed and...
  12. yamin

    charas/hash vs cronic.... first grow (pic)

    hella yes!!!! it was holi a few days back... festival of colors.... when the whole country is on bhang.... bhang for the ppl that dont know.... it is a paste made out of all weed plants male an female... all parts of the plant r used.... the paste is made with the help of a little milk and a...
  13. yamin

    where ru gtin flowering nuts from??? i gt veg nuts easy... but im finding it damn hard to find...

    where ru gtin flowering nuts from??? i gt veg nuts easy... but im finding it damn hard to find anything with a high P content... do they have a india delivery service also look at the new pics.... how did urs look aft 20 days in 12/12 thanks
  14. yamin

    charas/hash vs cronic.... first grow (pic)

    sorry took so long.... pics
  15. yamin

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    plz take a look at pic what should i b giving her??? she's 15 days into flowering
  16. yamin

    Take the fan leaves off?

    only remove them if light is becoming an issue.... else just let them b
  17. yamin

    Advice on growing outdoors in a hot country

    again i gt ur ans :-P my outdoor grow
  18. yamin

    starting a grow in a country with power cuts.

    im in the same exact boat..... am on cfl when the power gts cut check out this link
  19. yamin

    Rule of Thumb; When can you start Outdoor Plants.

    day 20 of flowering..... i gt 11.40 hrs of sunlight at the moment but summer is approaching..... should i start covering them with my dark house already or should i wait till i hit 12/12 is there any chance the will revert to veg if i wait??
  20. yamin

    Functioning in a non stoned world.. stoned or high.. how many times a day?

    havnt passed a single math exam sober... i went from 32% sober to 98% stoned.... my entire class was like WTF??? lol.... take that sober ppl