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  1. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Well, who will i believe then, some say its a deficiency, some say its bugs, some say its a fungus, and you say its a nute burn... ^^ I thought nute burns start off at the tips ? And can a homemade compost give an overdose ? Dont be tricked by the size of the plant, it actualy is 6 weeks old ...
  2. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    No, the leaves are healthy apart from the rusty patches. When them patches fully spread the whole leaf droops, becomes brown and crispy and just dies...
  3. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    My soil mix should be sound dude. I dont think its the cause.
  4. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    I checked my soil a couple of times and never saw any bugs other than the occasional ant, wood louse or spider (obviously not spider mite ^^) on the leafs i noticed some small black bugs but they didnt seem to do any damage. I removed em anyway, and they never came back.
  5. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Right, i treated the plant with a soap and water mix to kill off any spidermites i missed. Anyway, after feeding the plant with calcium, the problem is still present and getting worse. The plant looks a bit sad now. The leaves are all drooping a tiny bit. One of the leaves is slowly turning...
  6. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    I think i know what it is ... spidermites ! I had a close up look at the plant today and they were just sitting there... there was like 5 of them. I dont know how i missed them the other times i looked at the plant.. I'll try and get rid of em with alcohol as i cant get my hands on neem oil.
  7. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    It started at the bottom, but as you can see on the pic of the whole plant, its getting to the top. I didnt worry about it at the start, but since it killed the first affected leaf, i am very worried now that it'll spread to the rest and kill the whole plant :/ Im just worried that its spreading...
  8. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Na man, the compost i used was made out of all sorts of things, like hay, rabbit manure, tomato plants, potatoes just a whole pile of stuff ^^ Yeah i know.. I was very surprised about that, but it might be a fungus like Foothills said. The plant was overwatered once so far (Leak in cover) I made...
  9. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    I was thinking that too at the start... Thats true, i had drainage problems for a while but i sorted that out. I heard that baking soda and water helps alot with the "rust" fungus. . . ? ? (btw, my plant is a lowryder so its half way there)
  10. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Yeah i still have loads left and thats sitting there now so i'll water again in 2-3 days so it'll soak up all the calcium :) I'll keep you guys up to date ! If you have any more advice dont hesitate to post :) Thanks everyone ! Jah bless
  11. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    If i water them i use rain water cause its an outside grow. Anyway, yeah, i didnt water it for 4 days and the soil is dry. I got an egg shell, took away that inner skin, crushed it up to powder and added a bit of boiled water. I left it for 20 mins. The water turned white. I then filled the rest...
  12. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    It might be a disease, but it seems like its not very common.. Yeah, its homemade. Maybe 5 + years old
  13. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Does overwatering really result in such rusty brown spots ??
  14. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    I have a bit of homemade compost mixed in which should keep the ph alright (i was told by an experienced grower) but who knows, im new to this ^^
  15. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    I checked through every nutrient def and tox picture on the internet and all the ones that look like mine, they dont know what it could be. Some say, like you did, that its a cal/mag def but they are not sure.. Anyway, i wanna keep this plant as organic as possible so i was thinkin on using...
  16. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    I put this problem up before in a different thread. They also said it was over fert. I didnt feed them since 2 weeks and flushed the soil, but the problem stayed and got worse.. so it must be something different
  17. VonSchnitzelberg

    Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

    Hello everyone, Since a week, there are these brown rusty patches on my leaves. It started at the bottom leaf, killed it, and now its spreading to the top ! It might be spidermites, rust fungus, or a nute tox as i used compost as a medium.. when i was told that compost is too strong for young...
  18. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    Yeah man, i take it off for a while every day and loosen up the soil. I was just testing if that helps gettin more light to the leaves. I heard somewhere that that helps. Do you think it would be smart putting a worm or 2 in the pot ? ^^ Bless
  19. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    I wont make that mistake next time. Thanks for the info dude. Bless