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  1. VonSchnitzelberg

    outdoor growing uk/ireland

    I live in the west and im growing 2 lowryders outdoors in a south facing field. One of them is probably going to die soon, and the other one is growing very slowly and will probably give me about 5 gs ^^ If your growing outdoors in ireland, you need ALOT of luck ! I wouldnt even chance growing...
  2. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    Yeah id say your very right about that. My compost probably was way too strong for it :/ I didnt mix soil in with it and the poor thing couldnt handle it. Awell, you learn something new every day. Thanks for the help and take it easy man :)
  3. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    I think its too late now :( The plant is damaged too much. But what i dont get is that the other plant is doing fine in the same soil ? Maybe this plant just wasnt meant to be ^^
  4. VonSchnitzelberg

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah man, i already have the pics in two threads i made before, have a look. I was told that they were growing slow because of nute burn... nobody ever mentioned that the ph was a possible reason.. My plot is on a south facing hill side with only rushes and no big plants that give shade. They...
  5. VonSchnitzelberg

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Thats something i never checked.. this is my first grow and still have alot to learn man .. so the soil being too acidic or alkaline really plays such a big role ? Is there anything i can do now to equal the soil's ph out ? Im using compost btw.
  6. VonSchnitzelberg

    The Northern Ireland Thread

    Im growing Lowryders outdoors in the republic of ireland near the boarder if that makes you happy :D lol Peace man
  7. VonSchnitzelberg

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Im growing 2 Lowrydes outside at the moment. Due to this "lovely" weather they are growing really slow.. and with really slow i mean it grew 3" in 5 weeks lol The other one will probably die as its only true leaves are 5mm big after 6 weeks, but the 3" one seems to be pickin up the pace now.. ^^
  8. VonSchnitzelberg

    Is this a nute deficiency ?

    Alright, i wont feed her for another while so. Is the curling of the leaves also due to the nute burn ? And when should i start feeding it ? Bless
  9. VonSchnitzelberg

    Is this a nute deficiency ?

    Heres a pic of the whole plant.. And about the nutes, i gave her a very small amount of some 14-5-28 fert. But that was 2 weeks ago, and the reason i fed her was because she was growing pretty slow, so i wanted to strenghten her roots a bit. She responded good to that and shot up. The...
  10. VonSchnitzelberg

    Is this a nute deficiency ?

    Hello everyone, I got a young Lowryder growing outside. Altogether shes doing fine, its just for the past 3 days her bottom leaves are curling down towards the stem and there are couple of light brown patches along the veins. I think its too much water and a nitrogen def, but im very new to...
  11. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    Ok, im not goin to give them anymore water until the soil really gets dry. Hopefully it'll respond to that... i'll keep yous up to date. I just noticed today that there was white mildew starting to grow on both my plants.. I put a mixture of 1 milk and 9 water on the affected areas. Hopefully...
  12. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    What you mean with that ? Sorry, im totaly new to this man Bless
  13. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    Ok, here are the pictures i took today with my camera. I hope they help..
  14. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    This is just a picture i took with my phone, sorry about the quality... I'll upload a better picture tomorrow which i'll take with a camera. Its just for now like so you guys can have an idea :) Thanks for helping me with this btw ! Bless
  15. VonSchnitzelberg

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    Hello everyone! I got myself some Lowryder auto seeds by Joint Doctor for an outside grow. (Its my first grow btw). I live in Ireland and i heard that Lowryder are pretty hardy and that someone even managed to grow lowryder outdoors in Finland, so i thought i'll give it a go. Anyway.. I...