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  1. U

    2011 Outdoor Year 1 Medical Grow

    Thanks, I appreciate that. I definitely have much more to learn in the upcoming weeks, but this is just to see how good my grow box will grow with the least amount of work on my part on setting it up as best as possible and with what I got. Then if I cant get away with growing in a half ass box...
  2. U

    2011 Outdoor Year 1 Medical Grow

    Fucking good shit. I love hearing about how Mary Jane actually helps peoples lives. To hell with that bullshit our "higher ups" feed the general public about pot. I'm a first time grower myself and I will be watching your grow journal, maybe I'll learn a thing or two. :)
  3. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    I covered the top cover of my container with Aluminum and fairly good I believe, now I got the light facing towards the top and the reflected light hits down on the plants more evenly. Just going to throw my plants into a 12/12 to see how it will end up. Will post more pics tomorrow and give an...
  4. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Also found me some Schultz Take Root powder. :) This will definitely be handy when I buy some kick ass seeds.
  5. U

    Am I able to LST when plants are thrown into flower?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I think I might veg it for just a little bit, but I really don't want my plants getting too tall, whichever method for keeping them as short as possible without hugely affecting my yield would be nice to know. And I've seen people go straight from seed to flower with...
  6. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Found some nutes in the garage some miracle grow liquid and some Bayer Advanced 2 in 1 systemic Rose and Flower Care ready to use Granules. 8-12-4 and it apparently kills spider mites :3. I assume the Bayer one I should only use for when I'm flowering, which should be soon depending whether or...
  7. U

    Am I able to LST when plants are thrown into flower?

    I've just recently started on my grow, my seedlings have stretched quite a bit but am going to rebury the stems so the plant isn't so damn long but I'm growing in a limited space container, and I would like to just throw my seedlings into flower to keep them short, am I able to LST while they're...
  8. U

    Homemade Under Current

    Sounds good man! I want to see some pics of your plants though. :)
  9. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Alright its day 8, and 2 of the plants stretched quite a bit. Should I transplant to pots now and work on LST at this point? the other 1 is doing pretty good but hasn't started its 2nd leaf set yet while the other 2 are on their way. Need some suggestions guys help a brother out.
  10. U

    Favorite pokemon?

    I always loved Blastoise and Nidoking in Red/Blue fucking destroyed everything was like a nonstop monster lol hes also one of my favs. :) I still play the fuck out of my Red/Blue/Yellow cartridges. Pothead Video Game Nerd is what I am lololololol.
  11. U

    Massive Cabinet Build. Comments/Ideas?

    Pretty fucking nice grow cab you got set up bro! I should have my box set up really soon here too I just need to wait until I get this money I'm expecting to help make my box a much more efficient growing machine. :) Plant looks fucking nice that you tested out on.:weed:
  12. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Actually certain its the 5th day. My friend suggested to do a 16/8 so I can LST my plants. Had to pull one of them its root system was crooked and all fucked up. Taking 1 more set of pics for the night so you guys can see how much they've grown in the past few hours. Should I replace the one I...
  13. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Checked out my plants a little while ago, there are a lot of these tiny ass white bugs crawling around in the soil, its worrying the hell out of me, can anyone tell me what these bugs are? They're kinda oval shaped... :(
  14. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Thanks a lot, I might just do that I think I have some spray paint in the garage maybe even silver paint. I understand the point of LST and I am going to end up doing that as well, looking at doing that though makes me think I'll end up doing something stupid and actually end up snapping my...
  15. U

    Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?

    I've actually got extremely baked and threw up a couple times, felt like I had vertigo or something. I blame that on my EXTREMELY low tolerance and I hit 3 tokes of good ass dro from a 3 liter bucket bong as a wake and bake lol so I was destroyed haha. I most definitely think it would help so...
  16. U

    Is this gonna be big enough???

    Thanks bro, check out my journal I got pics now :D
  17. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    I finally found the cord to this camera, sorry if the pics are blurry or poorly taken lol. But hopefully this will attract people to reply and help me set up my grow efficiently. There are pics of my babies, hopefully they'll all be female haha. There's also a pic of my container, which I admit...
  18. U

    Is this gonna be big enough???

    I actually decided to throw them instantly into flowering, idk if thats bad or not but I've seen it done before with good results. The strains are just mids idk really what strain they are but I made sure they were top notch seeds I planted.
  19. U

    Is this gonna be big enough???

    Nice, get really baked for the both of us, I don't have any weed on me :(
  20. U

    Is this gonna be big enough???

    Alright, not trying to hijack your thread btw just didn't see the point in making a new thread when theres a new one on the same subject. Hope you don't mind lol.