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  1. U

    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    My seedlings have sprouted and are nice and green. Still worried about these little really tiny white bugs fucking around in the soil. But anyways, because I'm only growing out of a 13 gallon rubbermaid container I'm throwing them in a 12/12 the whole way through. Hopefully my grandma doesn't...
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    Is this gonna be big enough???

    Would a 13 gallon rubbermaid container be big enough for me? I got 4 seedlings right now, just unknown mids strains. I obviously want them to be as short as I can possibly make them, any ideas? If I absolutely have to I can stack another container on top and cut them to look like regular storage...
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    Who cant roll a joint

    I personally never really have to roll, my friends either do it or we hit from a pipe/bowl/bong hahaha. But no I probably cant roll for shit. :P
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    1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

    Alright so I'm starting my first stealth grow. Right now all I have to work with is a 13 gallon Rubbermaid container, 1 soft white CFL in a desk lamp lol, 2 PC fans 1 for intake 1 for outtake. I have 4 just sprouted random mids seeds, each in its own dixie cup(Gonna try to get pictures so you...
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    Spider Mites before grow even begins?

    They just might be, they're so small though by the time I notice them moving its hard to get a glance at them before they hide under something. They are that color and shape though so I'm hoping. Thanks for the info guys, this keeps me optimistic about my grow. :)
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    Greetings from Florida!

    Hello fellow Stoners! I'm really new to all this growing business, got a friend giving me tips but extra help from lots of others never hurt nobody.:lol: Like I said I'm new at growing and am attempting my first grow, which atm definitely isn't exactly what I'd like to have but I'm working...
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    Spider Mites before grow even begins?

    Hi everyone, new here. Starting my first grow in my closet in a rubbermaid container. I have 4 seeds that have just sprouted out of 4 dixie cups and in a few days if not now I'm thinking of transplanting them to new soil because I'm seeing these extremely tiny white bugs crawling around in the...