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  1. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    ahh i see man thanks for the advice, it could be too much food ill see how she acts when giving her just plain ph water?
  2. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    yeah it could be the soil too, i know i didn't overwater or stoke the soil i just gave her a light watering.
  3. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    im not being snippy dude, i would like all the advice i get so dont be too quick to judge when your clearly wrong, an i did come on these forums for help, not to have a person tell me im snippy now if you dont got no advice for me which you didn't state nothing or anything other then im "snippy"...
  4. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    no bugs on my baby bro, or eles i would have said something about that.
  5. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    ^bump. anything? is it a deficiencies of some sort
  6. Rebs4220

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    yeah id try and help dry the soil, its called aerating the soil get like a stick or fork and poke some holes about 2-3 inches and move the top layer around so it helps dry its what i do when i overwater at times, also id start feeding her bro small doses of course dont wanna fry her, you always...
  7. Rebs4220

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    yeah also man your soil looks very wet hence why all your leafs are droopy id let the soil dry out a bit, i dont know if you got fresh air going into your closet if not id get a fan blowing on them crack open a window so fresh air gets into the closet, also i think your lacking nitrogen what are...
  8. Rebs4220

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    soo i dont got time to read that LOOONNG post, do you feed her? or are you feeding her? she looks hungry or lacking nitrogen, id start feeding her and she looks good but normally when the leafs turn yellow and die of like that its cause its hungry
  9. Rebs4220

    over watering, topping cats, now root rot!?

    any pics dude? it helps describe whats going on then words just saying, try and upload some pics ALOT of people like to see pics
  10. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    well im still worried about it man, i dont want it too spread upward so id really like to know whats goin on, it probably is the soil but i dont know!
  11. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    not really man, what does that have to do with anything?
  12. Rebs4220

    Plant was doing amazing yesterday - now this

    ohh your doing hydroponics? i dont know too much but the plant signs im seeing looking like too much water or not enough fo sure!
  13. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    no no its not over watered but it could be too much food, when i picked if up from the club im not sure if they feed it cause the soil was still moist when i got her, the leafs are curling down and turning a dark color but when i did a transplant all i gave her was ph'd water but im not noticing...
  14. Rebs4220

    Plant was doing amazing yesterday - now this

    possibly over watered? or even under watered too
  15. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    hey whats going on guys, picked up a clone last month its a hybird "cheese" strain and i noticed on some of the older leafs that the tips of the leafs an sides are turning dark green and curling down and looks like its dying off. i also did a transplant bout a week ago on the 9th of this month...
  16. Rebs4220

    HELP!!! Is my She really a he? Possible Hermie

    if its a he/she id grow it take what ever bud you get out of it, but KEEP THE SEEDS cause then when you go to plant it down the road it will be 100% female fo sure then you dont gotta worry bout this crap! its called a "fertilized seed" when you get bud with seeds in it Good luck!
  17. Rebs4220

    HELP!!! Is my She really a he? Possible Hermie

    yupp male buddy, if you can go to a local dispensary an pick up a clone normally they go for $12 each here in cail, or just start over from seed lol
  18. Rebs4220

    Is this nute burn??

    it could be cal mag.
  19. Rebs4220

    leaf tips turning light green and drying out

    just my opinion, i do the lift method when it comes to watering my babies i used to water every two weeks or so but always realized i had minor issues doing it like that, now that i do the lift method i seem to fix all those minor mistakes. good luck!
  20. Rebs4220

    asap help please

    dammn yeah i think you may have fried her from too much nutes, ANYTIME i go about feeding my baby with nutes i ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS start at a low dose then gradually move up from there just to prevent this from happening to me, best bet is start over id say make a clone but the chances of...