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  1. Rebs4220

    Droopy Plants

    hmm never had that issue last year with my outdoor grow, they do tend to go down when the sun goes down or lights out but i went from indoor to outdoor i dont know if you know what hardening off means? pretty much if your bringing your plant from indoor to outdoor you wanna put it in the sun for...
  2. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    ok so i carefully took out some of the wet soil n replaced it with dry soil and shes perking back up :) so thats good i do the the lift method too last time i watered was on the 22nd and top 2-3in of soil was dry
  3. Rebs4220

    F@CKING Spider Mites.

    Best of luck dude those fuckers are a pain, my grow bout 2 years ago i had a small infestation of spider mites from a plant i got from my next door neighbor and didnt have any $$ at the time, i used soap an water and i managed to kill all of them!
  4. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    ^thanks man. so i thought id keep you all updated on how she's doing after gettin her top got ripped off lol heres few pics lot more new growth 5 growth shoots total. watered her today but i think i may have overwatered her :( im kinda worried bout it or mabe underwater im not too sure any...
  5. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    hahah yeah im happy to say she's making it, thanks again for the advice all im seeing some new shoots growing and ive transplanted her into a 2gal pot instead of the pixie cup she was in :D
  6. Rebs4220

    ph problems galore wtf can i do to get my water better

    id recommend you getting this ph test kit, i got the same one using it for my current grow and haven't had a PH issue since i got it, Good luck!
  7. Rebs4220

    Tip of leaf is clawed on otherwise healthy plants please help CFL Grow?

    ^ i agree with chuck, you normally DONT wanna guess when to water it cause then you run into overwatering or under watering your plant, the lift method does work! good luck
  8. Rebs4220

    New to this Tiny PC Stealth Grow ( needing advice )

    i wouldn't use that foil in the grow box, ive read that it does more harm then good id remove that and try and put some mylar or just use the color white, also make sure your PH is correct too. good luck
  9. Rebs4220

    will it survive?

    ouch im sorry to say but she looks dead or is if that, id try it over then again idk
  10. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    what a trip i got a cat just like that, trippy blue eyes too, alright so i should let her recover and look out for any new growth!
  11. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    so you guys think she'll be ok? even that almost all her big leaves are gone.
  12. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    LOlol thanks guys any more help would be great, im sure she will bounce back and i have my grow blocked off from the dammn cats, just really sucks seen soo much growth to where its at now F***CK!
  13. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    umm no dude i seen claw marks on the older leafs i removed im sure it was his cat.
  14. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    ya you got a point, so heres a pic AFTER the stupid cat ate it, im hoping she pulls thru got alot of faith her leaves are now just perking back up from watering too been a week since i last watered.
  15. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    ^Lolol yeah but just still kinda upset bout the whole thing still
  16. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    Thanks man, i hope she recovers cause i dont even have none of those big fan leaves you see in the pic just few medium ones :/
  17. Rebs4220

    Cat ate half my clone!!

    hey everyone so a week ago i picked up a clone from the club, its a indica strain named "big bud" and come to find out this morning that my brothers cat had eaten half my clone the whole top is gone!! all i got now is half the plant with just 5 or 6 side shoots or side branches heres a pic of...
  18. Rebs4220

    weed plant cut off from stem will it re-grow?

    yea seems like you guys are right on what your saying thanks i really do appreciate the advice and help, im gunna give it a week or so if i dont see anything ima toss it.
  19. Rebs4220

    weed plant cut off from stem will it re-grow?

    hmm i dont know i got few seedlings but i wanna see if can save this one, just thought id ask some one on here!
  20. Rebs4220

    weed plant cut off from stem will it re-grow?

    ok so a buddy of mine came to my house with a weed plant, but when i seen it it didnt look like no weed plant, it was in a pot with only the stem sticking out of the soil no nodes no leafs But a massive root system seems like the plant was cut off, i was wondering if it is possible if it can...