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  1. Rebs4220

    can you use a led light an t5 light to grow weed? (veg state)

    alright thank you for your advice makes really good sense, an you are right it was my brothers reef take light he had an i do got a clone at the moment its not young it has well established root system so i shouldn't use these led's pretty much right? if so i wont an just continue to use the t5...
  2. Rebs4220

    can you use a led light an t5 light to grow weed? (veg state)

    hey whats goin on guys i got a question, currently growing some cheese, an my brother gave me these 2 led lights the specs are down below, i currently got a t5 on my plant but was wondering if i added this led light to it if it will be any good? thanks again all. L.E.D specs: led watts: 6...
  3. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    dude your no help please leave.
  4. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    thanks for the advice man, im just worried is all i was thinkin nitrogen toxicity, ive had few a clones in the past this never happened to me before, although the new growth shoots are looking good not noticing it on any. ima keep what you said in mind tho but still open for what ever it might...
  5. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    wait what? i dont see anyone with the name "packletloss314" on my post,
  6. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    i found a possibility on what it could be, i think it may be nitrogen toxicity from me reading the signs of it.
  7. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    bump? please i really wanna this to be fixed i got no clue, should i flush?
  8. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    no i cut that leaf you seen to see if this brown issue im having would increase which it has, when i got this clone all the leafs were normal, i do understand what you mean about cutting the leaf an such when cloning but this is not the case an i do see it spreading upward and cutting the leafs...
  9. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    well like i said it is moving upward to the other leaf so im guessing its some kind of deficiency, can ANYONE help me out with this please!!!!
  10. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    ok well i am using fox farm ocean forest too an its not a soilless mix its str8 from the bag so like you said it should still have nutes for up to 30 days right if so i dont wanna add nutes an get a major nute burn im confused if it should jus water or add nutes to the water now
  11. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    really? so should i start to feed? cause i see it starting on the leaf about the one thats already damaged.
  12. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    on that one leaf? yes lol im thinking its a phosphorus deficiency though, you think i should feed a very small dose of nutes to see if that corrects the issue?
  13. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    thanks but those plants you seen are not mine lol if you go back on this thread you will see my plant an pics i posted
  14. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    lmfao lolol, so should i go about adding a small dose of nutes with the water an go from there, im only gunna give her a small dose nothing medium or large right now, just wanna kill this issue or at least balance it out
  15. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    no i haven't yet just water thats what im thinkin she's lackin is nutes, an no she hasn't stopped growing shes getting new shoots every day from what im seeing, could she be having a phosphorus deficiency? thats what it looks like if so adding some nutes help? thanks for your advice dude
  16. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    im using fox farm ocean forest, it does have plenty of perlite i do ph my water to about 6.3 6.5 an yes i have used nutes before used some on my out door grow last year
  17. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    beautiful girls by the way, but should i water her i haven't givin her any water since sept 11 i do the lift method an the pot does feel light as of now but idk if i should give it a very small dose of nutes with the water so my issue dont progress more?
  18. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    no i have never, i got this clone from the club the upper leaf next to the one thats damaged the tip of the leaf looks like its starting to turn brown from the looks of it
  19. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    ^are you sure bro? why do i see it spreading upward it looks like?
  20. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    ^^right right, im not sure what the heck this could be i was thinking a phosphorus deficiency? so it could be lacking that?