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  1. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    Haha... actually they're all exactly the same age... same strain, same everything. Obviously had some issues. MyGirl.... thanks for everything.... funny that fan... it just broke, right now. piece of shit. They gonna have to do without till tomorrow.
  2. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    plants were 10" away (400HPS) but just moved em down a little bit more. That fan is pretty weak, and is on all the time. i'll hook it onto the timer. At the mo I'm veg'ing under the hps at 18/6. Was going to re-pot tomorrow, u think that's not necessary?
  3. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    temps are at 80F and humidity I have no idea (no rh meter). But I'm in a pretty humid area, the light would dry it out some.
  4. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    Also this is 4 hours after watering.... they seem to be getting worse by the hour
  5. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    coming right up.... PS mygirl... thanks a lot for your help and interest man. much appreciated!
  6. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    Yeah its been a struggle getting the ph right. Its my first go at soil and its full of probs for me (although 1st time in any medium would be I suppose). Taking a 2nd look, all plants are drooping now and they weren't before I watered them. Surely I can't still be overwatering? the little guys...
  7. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    The floor is hydroton (thin layer of clay balls). ph was very low, added some lime a while back and the run-off is slowly increasing. today was at 6.1 (water going in was 7). Nutes today were half strength 20-20-20. Previously watering was first full strength. Now I water once every 3/4 days...
  8. D

    Can drooping be due to small pot?

    Hey all, I'm DEF not overwatering my ladies, but the bigger 2 are drooping. I gave them a water today and it only seemed to make the prob worse. They are 6 weeks and are in 6" pots. The roots are coming through the bottom of the pot as well. Any suggestions and help would be greatly...
  9. D

    Do we have a girl? what u think?

    Thanks very much. Def the most healthy of em all, so she'll be the mom. Already taken all the clones I need off her so she can rest now.... now just need to work out why she's drooping. Can plants droop from not enough root space? She's def not over watered and roots are poking through the...
  10. D

    Do we have a girl? what u think?

    Hey folks, Are these preflowers female? Still in veg (bout 6 weeks). Dunno how clear the pics are, but can you see the 2 white hairs? Look like girls to me. Please leave your view. Thanks a bunch.
  11. D

    Spot the prob...

    yeah temps are getting up to 33C, time for the AC. I have no clue as to the soil (none of its in english) but only one of these will be kept (as a mother) and I'm doing DWC so it'll just be the one soil pot. As I've never done soil before, it seems a lot more complex than I first thought -...
  12. D

    Spot the prob...

    on closer inspection of the pics I'd say heat burn, weathers def warmed up this last week. What u think?
  13. D

    Spot the prob...

    Hi again.... So I've been thru the lists and still cant pin point this one. Had a previous ph prob (too low), raised it, now sitting at high 6's. Is this still ph u think? Plants are just over 3 weeks in soil. Thanks
  14. D

    aero cloning - res temp too high.

    Hi folks I'm having an issue keeping my res temps down. Currently the water is at 33C (91F). I'm worried this is too high, is it? I change the water daily at the mo, and my timer (on the air pump) is set to 30min on, 45min off. Is this not enough down time? As my veg/clone area is above my...
  15. D

    Why such a growth diff? pics

    I see you've got over 11000 posts... and u've only been a member for just under a year. Wow! Thats like 40 a day or something. I guess some people are like plants - veg'ing out all day ;P Just a joke, haha. pls dont take it the wrong way. Much respect.
  16. D

    Is this heat burn?

    Thanks... but don't think its overwatering. Been watering every 3rd or 4th day when the soil is dry. But I'll keep my eye on it. Thanks again.
  17. D

    Why such a growth diff? pics

    Thanks man, I figured. Was just hoping I'm not doing too much wrong.
  18. D

    Why such a growth diff? pics

    400W hps... plants are about 10-12" from the light. I took them out of the cab to take the pics. Its just that all plants are exposed to the same conditions and have the same watering schedule, same soil, etc. If they were all slow, then ok, but why the diff? All grown from seed and are now at 2...
  19. D

    Is this heat burn?

    Thanks, checked it out b4 I posted, but wasn't sure. I was thinkin mg or heat after looking there. I guess thats something the forums are for, clear up any misconceptions.
  20. D

    Is this heat burn?

    No nutes, they're only 2 weeks. But just checked my water I've been feeding them, was just over 7... so I lowered to just under 6 or somewhere round 6 (tester isn't all that accurate) and gave them a little watering. Will see how they do, but still gonna get some dol. lime. Thanks LAX... any...