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  1. D

    How big a pot?

    Haha, when I've got 1 mother space wont be an issue... I'm Starting from seed, so hopefully I'll get 6 little guys/gals growing. So all six have to be in big pots. Once I've cloned and sexed I can choose the mother. So its just really the interim thats a prob. I can fit all six in there, but...
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    How big a pot?

    Yeah but I'm just worried that my small pots (they are actually only 4.5" on proper measuring) will not enable my mother to grow big enough to be able to take 4 clones. Space is limited so I want to keep the pots as small as possible.
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    4 weeks at 5 inches? what is your light setup and how long on/off? Also how big a pot are they in now? At 4 weeks they should be alot bigger, and you should have them on 18/6 from when they first sprout. They will be ready for transplant, you dont want to leave it too late, as they dont like to...
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    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    Sorry, at this stage I don't really wanna disclose, but its an island in Asia.
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    How big a pot?

    Thanks man. Soil right? how big do your mums get in that? As long as I can nab 4 clones at a time I'm happy.
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    How big a pot?

    Hey folks I got myself some 6" pots hoping they would be big enough to keep a small mother. Basically, I want to be able to take 4 clones off a mom and dont want to keep her any bigger than need be for that purpose. I think 6" is too small, so what size u think would be best? Also how tall u...
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    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    Seeds have finally arrived, soaking as we speak. Anyone have an idea of fluro wattage needed to sustain clones, and what wattage for say 2 small mums (will keep em bushy at about 10 or so "s) Cheers
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    Ever Heard of Hyponex??

    Thanks Bricktop - do you (or anyone else) think it would be work alright? by the way your signature is classic, seen snatch too many times to count.
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    Ever Heard of Hyponex??

    Just thought I'd toss this one out there. As you can see, no english, but this stuff looks like the best I can find. Anyone heard of it? Its made in the US (or so it says on the box), but its in Japanese and Chinese. I originally thought it was a Japanese product.
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    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    thanks la9. I have put much thought into it and I feel the risks are fairly low. Wouldn't be doin it otherwise.
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    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    Actually its just an apartment, but there's no noise, no one would guess twice, even if u you were sitting in the room. Yamin - yeah nutes are a tricky one. Did some research and going with what I think looks best, but still untried, untested. Gonna be good to test it anyhoo. Boneman -...
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    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    Thanks shad0h, as the house is rented, had to wallpaper, but painted flat white over that. Also, for a small fortune I managed to get a 400W Son-T Agro bulb. What I was using last time, worked well for me. Otherwise got everything I need now... just waiting on the seeds and the ballast (2 least...
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    cupboard love, 26 days flowering

    very nice.... I'm working with the same space and wattage, hydro only diff. What did u yield last grow? Very nice, and healthy plants. I'd like to see how it goes. Well done.
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    What size fan to cool tube a 250watt hps

    In that case an 80cfm should be plenty. Good luck
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    What size fan to cool tube a 250watt hps

    Do you have any other ventilation? Where will the air intake for your tube be coming from (inside or outside of you grow box)? I was using a slightly higher power fan, but it was also my only source of ventilation. Also I was venting 400W HPS. You should be cool with that one, I've seen a pc fan...
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    Seed to Clone to Sex Q

    Hey folks Doing my first grow in a while, but no newbie to the growing process. But at the same time doing some new things I need some answers to. Sorry for the blurb but it helps outline the situation. Previously I only bought clones as I LOVE the scrog, so things were straight forward with...
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    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    So I find myself in a far off country designing a new setup. However parts are not easy to come by and compromises need to be made... I've managed to get my hands on most things, but have some issues I need to clear up. 1) 400W HPS (standard bulb not specific for growing, prob? maybe add cfl...