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  1. D

    Is this heat burn?

    Strange, cause I use ph adjusted water... all the other plants get the same. Do you think ph is too high or low? dolomite lime u say... easy enough. Thanks
  2. D

    Why such a growth diff? pics

    Same strain, same germ time, same everything. There are six in total, 4 are all pretty small but same size and growth rate. The other 2 are much bigger and are also the same size and growth as each other. All are just over 2 weeks old. Any idea for the difference?? Thanks folks
  3. D

    Is this heat burn?

    Had 2 really hot days, haven't yet been using the AC, so you think this is heat related? Temps were above 30C. Nothing to the other plants, but this one was near the back of the cab.
  4. D

    help ive got these tiny white bugs

    Are there any ants around? I had aphids once, and usually if ants can get in there they'll eat the aphids, so its a good sign of aphids. If you're still in veg u can buy a spray, it sorts it out easily. but if in flower its a bit more of an issue. U dont want chemicals on your bud. You can get...
  5. D

    When can I clone?

    Thanks tyke... their first off shoots are coming through now. How close can I put these little ones to the light? In my previous setup I had it about 6" above, but these guys aren't clones, so I dunno what I'm dealing with.
  6. D

    When can I clone?

    Haha, yeah he was great. solid strains, healthy clones, and cheap ($5 US). As for 15 days.... just hold on a few more, if nothing then I'll send mine your way even if I dont know sex.... I'm sure I'll get 1 female out of 6.
  7. D

    When can I clone?

    Yeah big diff under the 400... starting to shoot up now. I've put em all in there except two stragglers which I'll leave for another few days under cfl's. I love it when shit starts to come together.... although I must admit, starting from seed is a bit of a mission. I had such an awesome clone...
  8. D

    When can I clone?

    Thanks yemin, sound advice as usual. Yeah those are the first set of 5 tipped. I have cloned before but from a mother that was already large. So prob about another 3-4 weeks before I can top then?
  9. D

    When can I clone?

    Well I'm in no real rush but 2 months is a bit overboard. I just wanna clone as soon as possible to see which are female.
  10. D

    When can I clone?

    Yeah but if I want to top the plant then I just use the top as the clone no?
  11. D

    When can I clone?

    Hey all, So here's 1 of my little seedlings at 2 weeks. When is it possible to clone in order to sex. I just want to sex the clone (dont want to use it). I've heard (from a good source) that when the plant reaches 5/6 nodes I can clone. Also those 2 leaves just above the cotyldons - do you...
  12. D

    Cloning and Sexing advice

    I've got some seedlings I need to sex sometime soon, want to take a clone off each and sex the clone (keep potential moms). My question is this: Can you flower a a clone while it is still rooting, or will this be too much stress? I just want to see the sex then discard (no dodgy sentence...
  13. D

    Good ol Times

    Here's a pic of my last grow (a couple years back). Unfortunately I had all my pics on overgrow, so they're all gone. This is all I could salvage. If you're wondering what that is under the screen, pic 2 will answer that. ;-)
  14. D

    External Ballast? No? How much heat?

    Thanks again all. As my intake is coming from an air conditioned room, I'm hoping this'll keep the temp low enough to leave the ballast in there. Its my only hope really as the ballast is welded onto the light box. The light guy said the ballast doesn't get hot... but then again he also said the...
  15. D

    External Ballast? No? How much heat?

    Thanks all for the replies.... I'm prob just gonna put it in, do some temp tests before the ladies go in, if need be I'll look at converting the one I've got. Thanks for the thread Krayven
  16. D

    External Ballast? No? How much heat?

    yeah sorry, its a 400W hps
  17. D

    External Ballast? No? How much heat?

    Well I went to see the light man again, after leaving him for 3 weeks to build my light he came back with absolutely nothing that was discussed. Basically all I really wanted him to do was to make sure the ballast was external and not beside the light.... No go! No choice there, the ballast...
  18. D

    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    Planted 7 seeds (soaked for 12 hrs then paper towel). All 7 showed small taproots after 12hrs. Left them for another 12 then planted. Have left them in the dark for 12 hrs, and just turned on the light (18/6). They haven't yet popped up, is this too early for lights? (2x25W fluro). Thanks...
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    Yeah u can transplant, now is a good time. Also put them under lights 18/6, if it was possible, u should have done so from the start.
  20. D

    How big a pot?

    thanks holmes and dr greenz. I think I'm gonna perhaps just go with a bigger pot, maybe compromise to some 7"'s. Hopefully from 7 seeds I'll be able to get 2 or 3 girls. I need 4 clones for my scrog, but I'd like them to be off the same mother if possible. Don't want variation in the screen...