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  1. macca82

    What a bout the cops

    Just started my first grow not thinking bout getting busted. ive gott 18 plants under 3 600w lamps been told today that the electric company will inform the police if they see a dramatic increase in bill has doubled in money is this true that they will inform the feds
  2. macca82

    pics of plants after run off any1 no whats up

    Posted some pics of them b4...the tips was yellow and curling under alot of leaves had different shades of yellow in them was told to flush them so bein new to this I just took the advise and flushed I caught the warter wen I did the run off the colour was a orange coulor my lights will be back...
  3. macca82

    pics of plants after run off any1 no whats up

    ppm when feeding is only 0.8 - 1.0 warter temp is 18 - 23 i usaiiy make so its 20 degrees plants are 3week into veg
  4. macca82

    pics of plants after run off any1 no whats up

    these are my plants a day after i did a run off....used 10 liters of warter with ph ov 6,5 for each plant the last liter of warter i gave them wen i did the run off had half strenthveg nuties with a tea spoon ov hydrogen peroxide can any1 tell me whats up and will they recover the plants are...
  5. macca82

    first run off done but was it right thing to do

    I warter them with 200mill of warter every time the top 2inch of soil is ppm with nutes is 0.8 - 1.0 at the minit
  6. macca82

    first run off done but was it right thing to do

    My last picture shows the colour of the run off...looked at my plants this morning and the leafs are all drooping down since the run off... is this normall...will they recover?????
  7. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    yo phill just posted a new thred bout wat you told me to do check it out mate not saying your advise is wrong just with it bein my first grow i dont no if any1s advise is bull shit or not no were im coming from
  8. macca82

    first run off done but was it right thing to do

    posted some pictures up last night off my plants with colour difishences...plants are 3 week into veg some have tip burn with the claw was told to do a run off useing a ph level of 6,5 - 7,0 useing 2-3 gallons of warter for each plant (im growing in soil) done the run off today useing 10...
  9. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    this might sound crazy but what the fuck is perlite lol
  10. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    no its not the gold range.... i look to make shure the top 2inch of soil has gone dry then water...that sound about right to you
  11. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    i understand.... nice1 for the info man
  12. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    ive been runnig my ph in the warter at 5,5 - 6,0 does that sound right to you lot im useing soil mix
  13. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    you no your stuff man!!!!!! ive warted with nutes today so will i be ok to do a run off tomorow if the ph in the run off is to high or low what then sorry for the questions
  14. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    ph is 5.7 - 6.2 ppm is at 1.0
  15. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    you will need to tell me how to do the run off...not got any idea wat u talking about sorry Ive got ph tester wat should the ph be in my warter
  16. macca82

    need some 1 to sort me out

    plants are 3 weeks in to veg in 10 gallon pots useing special mix gold dutch master A&B nutes.. also usein add27,zone and silca Can any 1 tell me whats up with these plants..the leafs look and feel dry lots of diffrent colours in the plants..some leaf nice and green ,some yellowie green under 1...
  17. macca82

    how tall should my plants be

    started from clone....its a hard game this growing for a novice gonna post some pics of the colouring of my plants 2moz you might not say they looking good then keep an eye out for um mate
  18. macca82

    how tall should my plants be

    Does any 1 no how big my plants should be? my plants are in there 3rd week ov veg,im growing in soil,they are under 1 light at the minute i toped them 3 days ago...just want to no so i can tell if they are growing ok.. first time growing, growing blues heres a picture of them as they are now...
  19. macca82

    just as i thort it was going good.......

    I'm useing Dutch master grow A&B with add27 then zone and silca gona use Dutch master flower A&B in flower stage im warterin when the soils dry bout an inch or two down does this sound about right to you sould I use nutes very time I warter them or use plain warter somtimes
  20. macca82

    just as i thort it was going good.......

    nice1 my mate im not in as much shit as i thourt then?