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  1. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    No pics of it just yet... There's still a few things I have to do to it to make it right, but as soon as I'm done I'll get some pics of it and even the angles the sun will come in at and what not! I'm excited to see how the MC does outside too! The mother's taken off since I put her back in the...
  2. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    My oldest son got some of those hotwheel shoes from walmart for Christmas. They come in a round shoe box that's covered with a reflective material inside the box. I just cut holes in it big enough for my plug in sockets, wired them all together and plugged them in. Crazy how much brighter it is...
  3. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Good deal- lookin forward to it!
  4. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    That bud is NICE dude! Hopefully we'll be able to eventually pull off buds that are big around as our hands- that would be SWEET! Anything new? I just gave a nice long update on my girls. Comparing pics from the last update which was like 4 days ago- it's amazing at how much they've grown! Look...
  5. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    UPDATE: This one is going to be a long one, but here it is and as always the pictures will follow! 3-7-09 * Update was late by 2 days. I was busy picking and prepping an outdoor plot. Plot located and prepped off of property, unowned by anyone. Cover is great. Plants will receive at least 8...
  6. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Oh yea no doubt! My mint has many choice places that would be beautiful for more clones! I plan to take one or two from her and put them outside with the rest just to see how she fairs outdoors... That way I know what her true potential is to make note of it when I decide to start breeding...
  7. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Hahaha- cats are funny around bud! My dad's cat likes to hang out right in front of my grow room door all day! Then she's right up my ass when I pull them out to water them or do anything with them- hell she ate all the stems I pulled off when I pulled my plants up this last time- crazy ass cat...
  8. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    UPDATE: Just some pictures of the ladies and how they are doin... My dying El Nino has pulled thru and is gaining new growth- :bigjoint: Other than that nothin new or spectacular... Here are the pics: Pic 1: ARMAGEDDON Pic 2: EL NINO Pic 3: LIGHTNING Pic 4: MILLENNIUM Pic 5: MINT CLONE Pic...
  9. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Damn straight! And that Mint is BOMB! As long as I can keep her alive- I'll use her for my mother plant and some future breeding projects I have in mind... I'm like you tho, I need the space for it...Last time I just stuck my clone in a humidity dome and stuck it in my snake cage until I had...
  10. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Yup Yup- the WWF and Black D's are stayin inside-everything else is goin OUTDOORS!!! I'm hyped dude- I can already picture the massive ass plants I'll have come the end of the season! I am def going to be cloning them! I plan to take at least 2 clones from each strain provided I get a female...
  11. ThaDonNacci

    GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow

    Dude- they sell shovels like that at Walmart in the camping section- fairly cheap too if I remember right! The other stuff try a local nursery or something....
  12. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Well, the plan is to sex them and then put the ladies outside. Probably some time next month- End of March Beginning of April... That way they will have decent growth on them and I'll be able to get them back on veg after sexin them before they go outside.... That's the plan...
  13. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Hell yea dude! And MC kept the mint thru the cure! Beautiful and sweet! I'm def glad I took a clone! Everything else is on the up and up
  14. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    Yea no doubt! Welcome aboard! All the strains I have now are supposed to be heavy yeilders outdoors, hell, they are supposed to be heavy indoors too! I'll put up an outdoor grow journal after I get them outside.... We'll both see maybe I'll have a new favorite out of them all... I plan on...
  15. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Hahahaha- sick dude- I looked at ur pics again after I read that dudes post- I couldn't find no tube n powder- guess we know what he had on the brain! Just updated some pics of the girls bro- have a look!
  16. ThaDonNacci

    Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!

    QUICK UPDATE: Ok, so I went and checked on the ladies yesterday and they were lookin a bit weak. Low and behold the bottoms of the cups were FULL of roots and the light was gettin to them so I had to transplant them. I think I caught them in time, only one of my El Ninos looks like it wont pull...
  17. ThaDonNacci

    GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow

    Hey Gman! I would till the ground where ur puttin them and work in ur medium into it. That way ur not usin as much medium and savin money. Plus if u plant them in ground you don't have to worry about root restriction. Just movin them if ur plot gets discovered.... Just a thought....
  18. ThaDonNacci

    The Flash Power Plant

    Ok bro- I finally made it here! Everything is lookin good to me-best of luck and I'll be along for this ride! Be sure to check out mine- I'm gunna add some new pics up later today...:peace:
  19. ThaDonNacci

    GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow

    Sounds like ur well situated then- good luck with everything bro!
  20. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    Damn Bad Luck there! What was he thinkin? That's crazy- sorry to hear about ur loss!:cuss: