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  1. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    you're right, didn't think about the buds in the middle .. and no one's gonna mix it twice a day :) or maybe buy more than 1 bag .. I think the best solution would be to find a place without people and plants around but with shadow and hang them there.. or to hang them under a tree for 2-3 days...
  2. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    During it's growth it's no problem, but during the time before it's ready is more of a problem.. And I read spraying Neem-oil after harvest isn't a good idea
  3. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    didn't think about it.. oh well, no other choice than to hang it on a tree, hoping not to smoke some bugs/eggs :(
  4. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    Hey, But this cotton bag has so many "holes", it seems quite airy.. it's quite hot in this area, and by the time it ends flowering it will be the end of summer, which still is quite hot . The problem is that every time I take pics of the plant, I see 1 bug on it, different kind every time, so...
  5. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    Nice idea, but it's not for guerilla growing :)
  6. Miko2

    Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

    back when TV was good
  7. Miko2

    A noobish question

    Probably true, will flush 1 time ;) Thanks
  8. Miko2

    A noobish question

    This beauty just started flowering about 10 days ago, the below picture is a close up, and the other is even a closer one. The problem is the pistils' edges are turning brown, yes I know it's normal for them to do that, but isn't it way too early ? What can cause that ?
  9. Miko2

    What Are You Listening To?

  10. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    yeah I read it should be like 23 hours closed and 1 hour opened for a week or so ..
  11. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    Thanks ! Won't bury, after drying it goes indoors ;)
  12. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    That's what I said, dry for 5 days, than cure.. :)
  13. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    That's a good idea, it's very very hard to spot, just another tree's branch.. But the problem is I'm worried about insects, that's why I think a bag can block most of them.. Is there any problem with not drying enough when in a bag ? And about burying it, I thought that when you cure, you're...
  14. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    Some strains can go for 16 weeks; 100^ sativa yep, that's why I was surprise, cause when it was young it looked like an Indica.. 2 months old and no sexing/flowers at all, was worried ;)
  15. Miko2

    How to dry and cure while guerilla growing ?

    I can't find any good tips on how to.. Why I think it's a good idea to do it outdoors and not indoor ? so it loses weight outdoors ....... just in case something blue happens.. What do you guys think about my idea, get one of these bags: Spray to green (or get rid of the whiteness), hang...
  16. Miko2

    Decepticons Outdoor Grow V3.0

    yeah, has a lot, but I wish it was with less words, problem -> solution kinda thing..
  17. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    anything more than one language is admirable, in my opinion. Something most americans do poorly I kinda understand them, it's the most "powerful" language in the world right now, all the other languages probably look like nothing more than a hobby for them ..
  18. Miko2

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Thanks for posting this pic.
  19. Miko2

    What do you do when you have no more weed?

    lol that's insane, risk getting shot just to get high .. but they did it and the cops look like fools.. :)